

Title: Manage Migraines Naturally: Know Your Triggers

Keyword: natural ways to manage migraines, chiropractic migraine treatment in Capac

Meta-Description: If searching for natural ways to manage migraines has you considering chiropractic migraine treatment in Capac, you’re one step closer to lasting relief! Read on to learn how we can help you get and stay out of pain, naturally.

Manage Migraines Naturally: Know Your Triggers

If searching for natural ways to manage migraines has you considering chiropractic migraine treatment in Capac, you’re one step closer to lasting relief!

Read on to learn how we can help you get and stay out of pain, naturally.

The Bottom Line

There's hardly anything as disruptive to your daily life as a headache, especially when it's a migraine.

Migraines often seem to arrive uninvited, although they may signal their impending attack with visual disturbances and nausea.

Regardless of the symptoms, a migraine is one guest you'd rather not have.

As the go-to provider of chiropractic migraine treatment in Capac, we’re here to help you understand how to identify the onset of a migraine and understand natural ways to manage migraines.

This knowledge is crucial to enhancing your quality of life.

Let's explore the four stages of a migraine headache.

The Four Stages of Migraine

Migraine sufferers typically experience four distinct phases:

Premonitory Phase

This phase serves as a warning sign that a migraine is imminent.

Common symptoms include mood swings, neck stiffness, and constipation.

Aura Phase

Approximately one in four migraine sufferers will experience an aura.

Migraine auras often involve visual or sensory disturbances that precede the headache.

Visual auras may result in flashing lights or blurred vision, while sensory auras can affect speech and cognitive clarity.

Vision disturbances usually begin 20 minutes to an hour prior to the headache.

Even in the absence of an aura, the headache itself can lead to vision issues.

Headache Phase

The actual migraine headache can range from moderate to severe and often affects only one side of the head.

Migraine sufferers will find that their headaches worsen with physical activity, making rest essential.

Postdrome Phase

The postdrome is the final phase in the migraine cycle, occurring after the headache has subsided and leaving the individual feeling drained.

Why It Matters

We know that many individuals suffering from migraines do not receive effective care.

In fact, in countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, it's estimated that only half of chronic migraine sufferers seek assistance from a healthcare professional, despite the substantial disruption caused by symptoms such as:

● Throbbing, moderate to severe headaches on one side of the head.

● The onset of nausea and vision changes.

● Recurring episodes that can last from a few hours to several days.

The majority of migraine sufferers rely solely on over-the-counter medications, despite the lack of guaranteed relief from migraines.

Likewise, about half of those experiencing chronic or occasional headaches attempt self-treatment with over-the-counter painkillers, despite the increased risk of rebound headaches due to overuse.

When it comes to migraines, this risk is particularly associated with combinations of aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine.

We will say, given the symptoms and stages characteristic of migraines, it's no surprise that many people are unaware of non-pharmaceutical approaches to managing their attacks.

This lack of awareness often leads many of our friends and neighbors to delay seeking chiropractic migraine treatment in Capac.

Natural Ways to Manage Migraines

Rest assured, the recurrence of a headache is reason enough to consult a healthcare professional.

As with cervicogenic and tension headaches, it's possible to reduce the frequency, intensity, and severity of your migraines through a blend of lifestyle modifications and chiropractic care.

While the exact cause of migraines remains unclear, there are specific triggers often associated with their onset.

Identifying these triggers and proactively modifying any daily habits linked to them

is key to achieving long-term relief from migraines.

Recent studies have shown a considerable reduction in the number of migraine days for participants who underwent chiropractic care.

Next Steps

You can start to alleviate your migraines effectively by being proactive with your daily habits.

Opting for regular chiropractic care is one crucial step towards relieving migraine pain, so don't miss your next (or first!) adjustment.

And if you're new to the idea of natural ways to manage migraines and are interested in exploring chiropractic migraine treatment in Capac, our doors are always open, and we're eager to help you find relief!

Now, what about those triggers we mentioned?

Here are some of the most common:

● Consumption of alcohol, caffeinated beverages, or tobacco

● Periods of stress

● Exposure to intense lights or smells

● Periods of intense physical activity

● Changes in sleeping or eating patterns

● Certain medications

● Consumption of aged, salty, or processed foods and certain food additives

As you can see, preventive measures such as dietary changes and stress reduction strategies make sense for migraine sufferers.

And if you need help identifying which triggers contribute to your headaches, don't hesitate to ask us during your next visit.

To ensure you're on the right path towards lasting relief from migraines, it's wise to consult with a healthcare professional.

Remember, "Dr. Google" doesn't have a degree!

Our empathetic team has personally experienced migraines, and we're here to support you.

From advice to chiropractic adjustments and beyond, let us help you with some natural ways to manage migraines so you can leave those frequent migraines behind for good.

Science Sources

Chiropractic Therapy for Migraine. Eur J Neurol. 2017. Headache Disorders. WHO. 2016. What is a Migraine? Web MD. 2022.


Title: Headache Relief Without Meds: Try Chiropractic Care

Keyword: benefits of chiropractic care for headache relief, natural headache relief options in Capac

Meta-Description: You may have more natural headache relief options in Capac than you thought! Read on to learn more about the very real benefits of chiropractic care for headache relief.

Headache Relief Without Meds: Try Chiropractic Care

You may have more natural headache relief options in Capac than you thought!

Read on to learn more about the very real benefits of chiropractic care for headache relief. The Bottom Line

Are you among the half of the world's adult population that experiences headaches year after year - maybe month after month or week after week?

Then you know that while headaches may seem like a minor inconvenience, they can significantly impact your quality of life when they become chronic.

In the time we’ve been providing natural headache relief options in Capac, we've met numerous individuals who've been filling up their medicine cabinets and enduring headaches because their experience has taught them that constant headaches are an inevitable part of life.

But, why accept daily headaches and pour money down the drain on countless headache medications when you can naturally alleviate them?

That’s right.

Let's look at how we can provide sustainable relief for your headaches and explore the benefits of chiropractic care for headache relief.

Why it Matters

Chiropractic care is increasingly recognized worldwide for its effectiveness in alleviating head, neck, or back pain.

And among the main reasons individuals seek chiropractic help is to combat their recurrent headaches.

We, as chiropractors, specialize in providing lasting relief from headaches in a myriad of ways.

And if you live in or around Capac and are seeking a chiropractor with an expertise in headaches, you're at the right place.

Let's discuss what are perhaps the top 3 benefits of chiropractic care for headache relief.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Headache Relief

1. Comprehensive Assessment and Personalized Approach

Our first step towards managing your headaches includes conducting a thorough history and physical examination.

This helps us determine if spinal issues are contributing to your symptoms or if there are other possible causes for your headaches.

Understanding your medical history and identifying your headache triggers allows us to guide you on lifestyle modifications that can help alleviate your headache frequency.

For instance, your dietary habits can influence your susceptibility to frequent headaches.

2. Customized Chiropractic Adjustments and Care

Research has shown that chiropractic care can significantly improve headache pain.

For instance, cervicogenic headaches, which originate from neck-related issues, have shown to reduce in intensity, frequency, and duration with chiropractic adjustments.

Chiropractic care also has demonstrated effectiveness fo

In our medication-dependent era, the efficacy of chiropractic care in treating daily headaches is indeed encouraging news.

Over-reliance on medications often merely masks symptoms, neglecting the underlying cause of headaches.

Moreover, excessive medication usage can lead to rebound headaches.

Chiropractic care offers a variety of safe, non-invasive, and non-pharmacological treatment options for headaches.

These include lifestyle education, manual or device-assisted spinal adjustments, spinal mobilization, heat/ice therapy, massage, advanced soft-tissue therapies, and even strengthening and conditioning exercises.

3. Therapeutic Exercise Guidance

To ensure long-lasting relief, we often incorporate strengthening and conditioning exercises into our care plans.

For example, certain neck exercises can effectively treat cervicogenic headaches.

We also provide you with a set of exercises that you can comfortably perform at home to ease your headaches between appointments.

Next Steps

It's time to put an end to those nagging headaches, and we're here to help you do just that!

You don't need to visit the medicine cabinet every morning.

The benefits of chiropractic care for headache relief are tangible and long-lasting.

Movement is an essential part of the healing process, which is why spinal adjustments are highly effective.

So, if you're looking for natural headache relief options in Capac, don't hesitate to reach out to us!

Whether it's been a while since your last adjustment or you're considering your first, give us a call.

Our team will be with you every step of the way from questions to adjustments to get you started on your journey towards a headache-free life!

Science Sources:

Headache Disorders. WHO. 2016. Chiropractic Therapy for Headache. BMC Res Notes.2017. Chiropractic Treatment of Headaches. JMPT. 2011. Spinal Manipulation for Chronic Headache. Spine J. 2010.


Title: Break the Cycle: How To Tackle Stress Headaches

Keyword: how to break the stress headache cycle, chiropractic care for tension headaches in Capac

Meta-Description: Ready to learn how to break the stress headache cycle once and for all? Well, if you’re looking for chiropractic care for tension headaches in Capac, you’re off to a great start!

Break the Cycle: How to Tackle Stress Headaches

Ready to learn how to break the stress headache cycle once and for all?

Well, if you’re looking for chiropractic care for tension headaches in Capac, you’re off to a great start!

Read on.

The Bottom Line

How many times have you been “stressed out” just today?

Are you already worried about something you have to tackle at work or an upcoming appointment later this week?

Maybe you have a big work meeting just around the corner.

As the go-to provider of chiropractic care for tension headaches in Capac, we understand why it is that these situations can lead to one very common outcome - stress headaches.

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “that’s a headache waiting to happen.”

Of course you have - we’ve all been there!

And if you tend to deal with stress by clenching your jaw or tensing your muscles, you might unknowingly be setting the stage for a headache.

So, what causes this to happen, and how can we break this stress-headache cycle?

Let's explore.

Why it Matters

Long ago, our bodies developed a "fight or flight" response to ensure we could handle physical threats that were all too real in the prehistoric world.

This response causes our heart and breathing rate to increase, blood pressure to rise, and blood flow to our extremities to amplify - all to prepare us for combat or swift escape.

While this instinct is still ingrained in us, the threats we face have, well… significantly changed.

As a result, our bodies often struggle to differentiate between physical danger and psychological stress.

This means that we might react to that big meeting at work with the same internal responses as if we were being pursued by a prehistoric predator!

And how does this connect to headaches, you ask?

Well, if there's one thing to remember about stress, it's this: it can intensify your symptoms when you're unwell.

Stress and headaches are absolutely linked.

Episodic headaches, which occur occasionally, are often triggered by isolated stressful incidents.

Common everyday stressors include anxiety, poor sleep habits, or less than minor life changes.

On the other hand, chronic headaches are typically triggered by persistent daily stress and a lack of regular exercise.

To help you better understand how to break the stress headache cycle, we've compiled a list of our top tips for stress reduction.

This could be your first step towards fewer headaches.

How to Break the Stress Headache Cycle

Exercise Regularly

Engaging in regular physical activity can boost your endorphins, lifting your mood and helping you feel happier.

Moreover, regular exercise can increase your overall energy levels, enabling you to shift your focus away from stressful events or situations.

Get Plenty of Sleep

We can't emphasize this enough: quality sleep is key to managing stress and reducing headaches.

Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep each night and maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

Establishing a regular sleep pattern can contribute to your overall well-being.


When it comes to understanding how to break the stress headache cycle, relaxation is more than just a suggestion.

It's important to set aside time specifically for relaxation techniques that can help you stay calm during stressful periods.

Practices like meditation and yoga can help you achieve both physical and mental relaxation, mitigating the onset of stress and consequently, headaches.

See a Chiropractor

Keeping your spinal joints moving properly can alleviate the strain on your spine and its supporting muscles.

Chiropractic care can help you relieve pent-up stress in your body and get you feeling better quickly.

Tension headaches are often triggered when neck and scalp muscles become tense or contract, often due to maintaining the same head position for extended periods.

Regular chiropractic care can help correct the physical imbalances that lead to tension headaches, helping you move and feel better.

Next Steps

So, can stress cause headaches? Absolutely.

While there is a very real connection between stress and headaches, rest assured that there are both simple and effective ways to combat this cycle.

When you feel your stress levels starting to creep up, start by taking a moment to practice your favorite relaxation techniques.

And don't forget to prioritize essential preventative self-care like daily exercise, balanced meals, and good sleep hygiene.

And, of course, regular visits to your favorite trusted chiropractic team can make a world of difference.

If you haven’t yet tried it and you're ready to explore chiropractic care for tension headaches in Capac, we're here for you!

Our expert team is committed to working with you to keep your body relaxed and moving well.

We’ll help you learn how to break the stress headache cycle and get you the care you need so you can enjoy a healthier, happier life.

Science Sources: Sleep and Migraine. Headache. 2018. Manual Therapy Effect on Tension Headache. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2016. How Does Stress Impact the Body? Forbes. 2018. Tension Headache. MedlinePlus. 2023.


Title: Know Your Headache: Targeted Treatments for Relief

Keywords: understanding different types of headaches, migraine and tension headache treatment in Capac

Meta-Description: Looking for migraine and tension headache treatment options in Capac that actually work? Step one is understanding different types of headaches, what causes each, and what to look for. Read on!

Know Your Headache: Targeted Treatments for Relief

Looking for migraine and tension headache treatment options in Capac that actually work?

Step one is understanding different types of headaches, what causes each, and what to look for.

Read on.

The Bottom Line

We all experience headaches differently.

Whether it's persistent fatigue, blurred vision, or a stiff neck, the symptoms can vary widely. Patients visiting our chiropractic clinic in Capac often report having experienced headaches that prevent them from going about their everyday lives.

But despite the variety in symptoms, all headaches have one thing in common —they are not "normal" to deal with on a daily basis.

If you're grappling with recurrent headaches, it's time to identify the type of headache you're experiencing.

Why it Matters

Understanding different types of headaches starts with understanding the distinct characteristics of each.

Identifying the type of headache you're suffering from is the first step towards finding relief.

Consulting with a healthcare professional can help you in this process, and if you're seeking natural migraine and tension headache treatment options in Capac, look no further - we're ready to assist you.

Let's take a look at some of the most common types of headaches you may experience.

Understanding Different Types of Headaches


Just as the experience of a headache can vary from person to person, the symptoms of migraines can vary greatly as well.

They usually cause throbbing pain, typically on one side of the head.

The pain can be severe and may persist for up to 3 days.

Accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light, sound, or smell, migraines can be very intense to say the least.

Some essential facts about migraines include:

● They are believed to be linked to the release of inflammatory substances in the brain.

● Migraines are twice as common in women due to hormonal influences.

● Children often experience shorter durations of migraines.

Tension Headache

Tension headaches are particularly common, affecting up to 20% of the population.

They can also occur with migraines.

Characterized by a constant dull pain on both sides of the head due to tense neck and scalp muscles, tension headaches can last from a few hours to several days.

Stress, anxiety, depression, dehydration, loud noises, lack of sleep, or insufficient exercise can trigger tension headaches.

Fortunately, many of these triggers can be managed through a healthy lifestyle.

Some key facts about tension headaches include:

● Tension headaches are the most common type of headache.

● They are often described as pressure or tightness, almost like a band around the head.

● The pain from tension headaches can spread into or originate from the neck.

Cluster Headache

Unlike migraines, cluster headaches are more common in men.

They are often marked by an intense burning or piercing sensation behind or around one eye.

Cluster headaches can occur unexpectedly and last from 15 minutes to 3 hours.

Some key facts about cluster headaches include:

● Cluster headaches affect less than 1 in 1000 adults, with six men affected for every woman.

● Despite their brevity, cluster headaches can occur several times a day.

● Individuals with cluster headaches may experience tearing and redness in the affected eye or a blocked nasal passage.

Next Steps

Because headaches are so common, many don't consider them serious enough to seek professional help.

As a result, it's estimated that half of those with headaches self-treat.

This trend might explain why many individuals are unaware of natural, non-invasive, and medication-free headache treatment options.

It may also explain how so many don’t know that the overuse of medications intended for headache relief can actually lead to more headaches!

To say this fact often surprises patients who visit our clinic seeking alternative migraine and tension headache treatment options in Capac is an understatement.

So, if you're struggling with migraines, tension, or cluster headaches, don’t wait, don't hesitate, and reach out to us today!

Research has shown that chiropractic care can significantly reduce the intensity, severity, and frequency of many common headaches, all without the risks associated with medications.

And our dedicated team will work with you to uncover the root cause of your headaches, and we'll provide the gentle, movement-based care that chiropractors are renowned for to help you break free from your headache pain.

Science Sources:

Tension Headache. MedlinePlus. 2023. Headache Disorders. WHO. 2016.


Title: Move Better, Play Better: Improving Biomechanics for Athletes

Keywords: improving biomechanics for athletes, biomechanics assessment in Capac

Meta-Description: Improving biomechanics in athletes today often starts with a trip to a trusted sports chiropractor. And if you’re reading this, it’s time to contact us to book a biomechanics assessment in Capac. Here’s why.

Move Better, Play Better: Improving Biomechanics for Athletes

Move better, play better.


The list goes on!

Is it any wonder there are entire professions like chiropractic dedicated to helping ensure your body moves its best so it can function its best and you can feel its best?

That said… is it any wonder that every professional sports team now employs a chiropractor?

Or that even high school athletes are receiving chiropractic care?

Well, what about YOU?

Bottom Line:

As an athlete, you know that injuries can be a frustrating and even devastating part of the game.

Recovering from an injury can be mentally and physically challenging.

That’s why taking proactive steps to prevent injuries in the first place is key.

That’s why chiropractic care is so important for athletes - and that’s ALL athletes.

One essential aspect of chiropractic-based injury prevention is improving biomechanics.

In this post, we'll explore the importance of improving biomechanics for athletes and why, as an athlete, you should consider a biomechanics assessment in Capac.

Why it Matters:

So, what do we mean when we talk about biomechanics?

Biomechanics is the science of how your muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments work together to produce movement.

In short, think of biomechanics as the science of movement.

As you may have guessed, ensuring optimal biomechanics is particularly critical for meaningfully reducing your risk of injury.

Consider this.

Changes to the biomechanics in one of your body’s joints can lead to compensations in others, which can cause pain, put you at an increased risk for injury, and even speed up the aging process in the affected joints.

Yes, ensuring proper biomechanics is important!

Improving Biomechanics for Athletes

So, where do we start?

Developing a fitness plan that includes dynamic stretching, strength training, and cardiovascular exercise can help you maintain proper biomechanics and decrease your chance of injury.

Key aspects would involve making time to move through your body's full range of motion each day and perhaps alternating training different muscle groups every other day.

Whatever the specifics, the focus is on movement.

So, how do you know if your biomechanics are optimal?

That's where a biomechanics assessment in Capac comes in.

A biomechanics assessment is an essential part of every chiropractic evaluation.

Chiropractors are trained to carefully examine your biomechanics and movement patterns and to provide passive and active ways to improve them.

It’s important to keep in mind that no two people move the same, so having a functional movement assessment is critical if you're looking for ways to improve your own unique movement patterns.

That’s especially true when it comes to improving biomechanics for athletes.

Movement (biomechanics) assessments can help identify altered biomechanics before you have pain and discomfort.

By proactively addressing these issues, you may not only be able to reduce your risk of injury but also improve your athletic performance.

Biomechanics assessments are especially important for athletes who rely on specific movement patterns, such as runners or tennis players.

Improving biomechanics can also benefit athletes recovering from injuries.

Research has shown that correcting biomechanical issues can improve rehabilitation outcomes and reduce the likelihood of reinjury.

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Athletic Training found that correcting faulty movement patterns in athletes reduced their risk of reinjury.

Next Steps:

Improving your biomechanics is critical to reducing your risk of injury and improving your athletic performance.

And if you're a local athlete looking to optimize your movement patterns and reduce your risk of injury, consider a biomechanics assessment in Capac.

Our team can help you identify any issues and we’ll work with you to create a personalized plan designed to quickly and easily improve your specific biomechanics.

Contact us today to schedule your assessment and take the first step towards moving better and playing better!

Science Sources:

Preventing Sports Injuries. University of Rochester Medical Center. 2023. Does Maintained Spinal Manipulation Therapy Result in Better Long-Term Outcome? Spine. 2011.


Title: The Natural Advantage: Chiropractic Care for Improved Athletic Performance

Keywords: chiropractic care for improved performance, chiropractic treatment for athletes in Capac

Meta-Description: Whether you’re Interested in all-natural chiropractic care for improved performance or chiropractic treatment for athletes in Capac you’ve come to the right place!

The Natural Advantage: Chiropractic Care for Improved Athletic Performance

I’ve got one name for you: Michael Jordan.

Let’s face it.

I may not “be like Mike” when it comes to my athletic talents and my name may not be recognized outside of the wonderful community that is Capac...

But like me, he understood the power of chiropractic care for improved performance before the secret was out.

Well, how about that - I guess I am “like Mike” after all.

Or maybe I should say we are, right?

If you’re a fellow athlete, there’s a reason you landed here, so let’s get to it!

Bottom Line:

Chiropractic care has been gaining popularity among modern-day athletes and retired greats alike who are looking for ways to improve their athletic performance.

Whether you are a professional athlete or a weekend warrior looking to improve your physical performance to reach new goals, you’re in the right place!

Chiropractic care can help optimize your body's structure and function so you can perform at your highest level.

In this post, we'll explore the benefits of chiropractic care for improved athletic performance and why you should consider specialized chiropractic treatment for athletes in Capac to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Why it Matters:

There's no denying that pretty much every single sport is becoming more competitive as new innovations in sport science and technology are released at breakneck speed.

And as the “secrets” of the human body continue to be analyzed and quantified, you can bet that athletes of all ages are always looking for a natural advantage that can help improve their performance.

Allow us to help you cut through the noise.

The key there is that athletes are looking for a natural advantage, and that’s where chiropractic care has shined for over a century.

The best kept secret in healthcare is out.

More and more studies are being done every day and more and more athletes are receiving and seeking chiropractic care.

Chiropractic Care for Improved Performance

At its core, hands-on, personalized, all-natural, non-invasive chiropractic care can help athletes move more freely and perform better by reducing pain, which can reduce your strength, balance, and endurance.

By relieving pain and improving how well the joints and tissues of the body move, chiropractic adjustments can help athletes stay injury-free and perform at their best.

On top of pain relief, studies have also shown that chiropractic care has been found to positively influence functional muscle strength and endurance.

A study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine found that chiropractic patients demonstrated statistically significant improvements in strength and endurance compared to those in the study who did not receive care.

This suggests that chiropractic care can be an effective way to improve athletic performance.

Additionally, chiropractic adjustments can help maximize an athlete’s balance, flexibility, and range of motion so they can perform better.

Each of those are key factors for optimal athletic performance, and chiropractors use a variety of techniques to help athletes achieve these benefits.

Assessing your movement patterns, making adjustments when necessary, and helping you craft an at-home exercise plan are just a few ways chiropractors help athletes improve their performance.

Soft tissue therapy and exercise rehabilitation are often used as well.

All that to say, regular chiropractic care can help athletes stay injury-free and perform at their highest level.

And if you're an athlete in Capac looking for chiropractic treatment, you’ve found the best chiropractor for sports injuries in Capac who can help you achieve your fitness goals.

We’ll address your specific needs and develop a personalized treatment plan that can help you perform at your best, no matter your level of experience or athletic ability.

Next Steps:

I’ll leave you with this.

Chiropractic care offers numerous benefits for athletes of all levels, including improved muscle strength, balance, endurance, and reduced pain.

We know athletes, and chiropractic treatment for athletes in Capac is an excellent way to improve your athletic performance naturally.

So, if you're interested in discovering how chiropractic care can help you perform at a higher level, schedule a visit with the best chiropractor for sports injuries in Capac today!

Science Source:

Effects of Chiropractic Care on Strength, Balance, and Endurance. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2020.

Play Hard

Play Hard, Recover Better: Proactive Health Habits for Weekend Sports

“Play hard or go home.”

It’s funny how one of my go-to catch-phrases has taken on a new life since my becoming a chiropractor, especially after working with so many athletes.

So. Many. Avoidable. Injuries.

Now “play hard AND go home” seems more appropriate!

Capac, it’s time we have a talk.

Bottom Line:

Millions of people engage in weekend sports to stay active and connected with friends.

And while the likelihood of sustaining an injury increases as the years go on, you shouldn’t let that stop you from enjoying your favorite activities!

As the leading sports injury prevention chiropractor in Capac, we want to share some proactive health habits for weekend sports that can help you stay in the game.

Why it Matters:

To prevent injuries, it's essential to be proactive about your health, and your weekday habits directly impact your weekend performance.

It's vital to stretch, strengthen and move through your entire range of motion daily.

Proactive Health Habits for Weekend Sports

1) Regular exercise during the week can help reduce the risk of injury on the weekends.

● According to Harvard Health Publishing, weekend warriors have a 40% lower risk of experiencing an adverse health event related to cardiovascular disease.

● Engaging in at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week can help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses.

● Regular exercise can also help improve your overall fitness level, making it easier to participate in weekend sports activities without getting tired or winded.

2) Strength training is another crucial factor in injury prevention.

● Building strength can help improve your body's support, stability, and balance.

● Focus on different muscle groups, including your core, upper body, and lower body.

● Resistance training exercises such as lunges, squats, push-ups, and planks can help improve your overall strength.

3) Regular movement is also essential for injury prevention.

● Extended periods of sitting can cause stiffness and reduce your body's flexibility, leading to an increased risk of injury.

● Therefore, move throughout the day, even if it's only for a few minutes.

● Using a smartwatch or a health app to remind you to get up and move your body can be an effective way to maintain a balance of strength and flexibility.

Next Steps:

Remember, being proactive is crucial for injury prevention and staying in the game.

Start with the short list of proactive health habits for weekend sports we just shared.

Incorporating stretching, strength training, and movement into your daily routine can help reduce the risk of injury and improve your overall fitness level.

And as the leading sports injury prevention chiropractor in Capac, we're here to help you stay healthy and injury-free.

If you're looking for a chiropractor to help ensure you can play hard and recover well for years to come, don't hesitate to schedule a visit with us today!

Science Sources:

The Underappreciated Health Benefits of Being a Weekend Warrior. Harvard Health Publishing. 2017.

Week 2

Title: 3 Common Manifestations of Delayed Pain After a Car Accident

Keyword(s): manifestations of delayed pain after a car accident, car accident chiropractor in Capac.

Meta-Description: If you’ve experienced any of these 3 common manifestations of delayed pain after a car accident, it’s time to see a car accident chiropractor in Capac.

3 Common Manifestations of Delayed Pain After a Car Accident

Bottom Line:

If you can walk away after a car accident without any catastrophic injuries, you should certainly consider yourself lucky.

But there is something important we want you to commit to your memory right now.

Even if you feel ok after exchanging information and speaking with the police, it is always a good idea to see a chiropractor after an accident.

With your adrenaline pumping directly after an accident, your brain may not truly register the pain signals coming from your body.

It's only after you have some time to calm down that you find yourself suddenly living with previously unnoticed injuries and manifestations of delayed pain after a car accident.

The good news?

Non-drug care options, such as chiropractic, are very effective at helping people both reduce the sensations of delayed pain after a car accident and restore their functional health.

If you’re looking for a car accident chiropractor in Capac, know our expert team is here to help.

Even people with severe and chronic pain have been shown to benefit from the care that chiropractors provide.

And with a proper evaluation and early treatment, you have a high likelihood of putting that delayed pain after a car accident in the rear-view mirror and getting well within a matter of weeks.

Why it Matters:

While medications can provide temporary pain relief, they don't do a very good job of helping your body heal.

One of the problems with pain medications is that they only treat the symptoms.

They aren't doing a thing to resolve the injuries that are the real source of your pain.

That’s just one reason why Ignoring a new ache or manifestation of delayed pain after a car accident and hoping it will go away is definitely not a smart strategy.

Even minor symptoms can be an indication of a more significant problem.

That’s perhaps one of the most important reasons you need to see a car accident chiropractor in Capac.

And there’s something else to consider.

The longer you wait to get evaluated and receive care, the higher your likelihood becomes of needing more aggressive medical care.

In fact, without a proper diagnosis and swift treatment, your body may begin to "heal" with more scar tissue than necessary.

The same principle applies if you ignore what that delayed pain after a car accident is trying to tell you and simply decide to try to live "around" your injuries.

Doing so can lead to even more physical stress and compensation from other parts of your body and, ultimately, additional injuries.

3 Common Manifestations of Delayed Pain After a Car Accident

Let’s take a look at some common manifestations of delayed pain after a car accident that may not appear for hours or days.

● Headaches: A concussion, neck injury, mild traumatic brain injury, or whiplash can create headaches after a car accident, so don't dismiss a headache or dizziness until you’ve been adequately evaluated by a doctor.

● Back Pain: Pain in your back after a car accident can take hours or days to begin, and it could be a sign of a spinal disc injury, soft tissue injury, or whiplash.

● Neck / Shoulder Pain: If you notice pain in your neck, shoulders, or arms, it may be a sign of whiplash or a spinal injury.

Next Steps:

Delayed onset of symptoms after a car accident is quite common.

It doesn't mean that you're "making it up."

The stress of a car accident can make it difficult to truly assess how you feel in the minutes after impact.

It takes time for swelling and inflammation to begin, and you may not notice these common manifestations of delayed pain after a car accident for hours or even days.

Don't dismiss your symptoms or concerns.

With the right healthcare team, most people can get back to their full life and activities without the need for drugs or surgery.

Chiropractors are often the first healthcare professional a majority of people see after getting into an accident.

So, if you’ve been searching for the best car accident chiropractor in Capac, give our office a call right now.

Receiving a complete and thorough evaluation is critical to discovering injuries early on so that you can receive the best care and treatment to put your injuries in the rearview mirror as quickly as possible

Research has shown that active care involving range of motion, mobilizing exercises, and strengthening can effectively reduce pain.

So, call us to schedule a proper evaluation as soon as you can.

It has the potential to make a massive difference in both your quality of life and long-term well-being!

Science Source:

Whiplash. WebMD. 2021.

Week 1

Title: Got Whiplash? Here are 3 Big Reasons to See Your Chiropractor

Keyword(s): whiplash injury, local chiropractor who treats whiplash in Capac.

Meta-Description: Living with a whiplash injury? Here are 3 big reasons to get evaluated by a local chiropractor who treats whiplash in Capac you may not have considered.

Got Whiplash? Here are 3 Big Reasons to See Your Chiropractor

Bottom Line:

Whiplash is the term used to describe the injuries that occur as a direct result of a forceful, uncontrolled, and rapid back and forth motion of the neck.

These injuries can occur during sports, slip and fall, or auto accidents.

Most of us have heard of this type of injury.

Most of us know whiplash pain is often associated with auto accidents.

However, what we may not know is that whiplash injuries used to be considered "no big deal."

Needless to say, times have certainly changed.

Doctors now know that whiplash injury can mean lifelong pain and disability if the associated injuries are not properly cared for when they occur.

Recent research also tells us that people who suffer a neck injury during a motor vehicle accident are very likely to experience both whiplash pain and future neck pain.

Thankfully, research also indicates that chiropractic care can improve range of motion and decrease pain associated with whiplash injuries.

And if you’re looking for a local chiropractor who treats whiplash in Capac, you’ve come to the right place!

Why it Matters:

With all the stress that comes with the accident itself, calling insurance companies, getting cars repaired, and so on, it's not uncommon for people to make the mistake of putting their health and well-being last on the to-do list.

Your body wasn't designed to deal with the forces that occur in a car accident.

Even low-speed collisions can generate enough force to injure the delicate ligaments in your neck that support your head.

And although modern cars have an array of safety features, the damage from an accident can range from small aches to life-changing injuries.

The forces that both the vehicle and your body have while driving along the road is known as kinetic energy.

It’s true - your vehicle has been carefully built to displace the (kinetic) energy that occurs during an accident.

However, no matter what type of car you have, your body will still absorb some of the impact.

It’s likely that those powerful forces will cause injuries to your body.

During a car accident, your head moves forward and backward suddenly with a tremendous amount of force.

If you’ve sustained a whiplash injury it means your head and neck have been forcefully extended beyond their normal range of motion.

This can create partial tears and other damage to the muscles and ligaments around your spine and also injure your spinal discs or nerves and your spine’s supporting muscles.

Key Indicators of a Whiplash Injury

A few key indicators that you may have suffered a whiplash injury include neck pain and stiffness, headaches, dizziness, and pain in your upper or lower extremities.

If you or someone you love has sustained a whiplash injury recently and are considering seeing a local chiropractor who treats whiplash in Capac, here’s are some quick facts to keep in mind:

● Today, whiplash injuries are considered severe and the rapid back and forth motion that occurs during the associated collision accident can lead to permanent injury to the ligaments of the neck.

● It’s estimated that over 80% of people involved in a car accident will sustain whiplash injuries.

● What’s more, over 50% of people with neck pain or whiplash pain after a car accident will continue to have pain one year or more after their initial injury, especially without treatment.

Next Steps:

Remember this.

Immediately after any accident, your adrenaline is pumping, so you may not feel any whiplash pain or overall physical discomfort because you’ll most likely be in a state of shock.

That’s why many people wake up the day after an accident experiencing the full brunt of their injuries for the first time.

If you've been involved in a car accident, you may be wondering how long your whiplash pain and other symptoms are going to last.

The good news is that with a proper evaluation and early treatment, you have a high likelihood of getting well within a matter of weeks.

Receiving the proper diagnosis and care after a car accident can also help reduce your likelihood of struggling with whiplash pain and a lifetime of chronic neck pain.

Our practice is focused on accurately assessing, documenting, and treating those who have been involved in a car accident to help them regain their quality of life as quickly and safely as possible.

Don’t shrug off any accidents and push your symptoms aside.

Instead, follow three easy-to-remember steps.

First, get an evaluation.

Next, begin receiving care.

Finally, stay consistent.

Getting well is a process, so If you have been in an accident and think you might have sustained a whiplash injury - or someone you know has been involved in an auto accident recently - be sure to reach out to our expert team as soon as possible.

When you need a local chiropractor who treats whiplash in Capac, remember that our doors are open, and we’re here to help right now!

Science Source:

The Association Between a Motor Vehicle Collision and Future Neck Pain. Eur Spine J. 2010.


Title: How To Know if You Have a Spinal Disc Problem

Keyword(s): how to know if you have a spinal disc problem, spinal disc treatment in Capac

Meta-Description: Wondering how to know if you have a spinal disc problem? Considering spinal disc treatment in Capac? Start here.

How To Know if You Have a Spinal Disc Problem

When patients ask me for advice on how to know if you have a spinal disc problem, there’s a story that comes to mind every time.

Not too long ago, a friend of mine was over to help me out with one of my weekend projects.

He had been out with his family for some celebration - I don’t remember exactly what for - and the first thing he did was go into the bathroom to change.

Not 30 seconds later as I was getting some things together in the next room, I heard what I can only describe as a “yelp” come from the bathroom.

I rushed over, knocked on the door, and asked him if he was ok, to which he replied “I think I threw my back out! I felt a sharp pain in my low back while I was putting on my shirt, and I don’t think I can move!”

As I walked him out of the bathroom and over to the couch to take a look, he told me he was sure he had a “slipped disc” or something serious - that he needed to go to the ER right away.

As it turns out, he had only strained a muscle in his back, so while that project of mine had to be put on hold for a bit and he had to listen to a bite sized TED talk from me about how to know if you have a spinal disc problem, he was going to be fine.

Not only do a great deal many people think this is how a herniated disc would present, but they also think that a disc herniation automatically means they’re going to need some sort of surgical intervention.

And if you came across this post while looking up options for spinal disc treatment Capac, the good news is that, even when it comes to spinal disc injuries, that’s often not the case.

Bottom Line:

Now don’t get me wrong.

If you have a spinal disc problem rather than a back sprain or strain, that does not mean you won’t experience some level of chronic pain or discomfort.

Every movement can seem to hurt, and because of the chronic nature of that pain, it can feel like you'll never be back to your old self - and often times, you may not even know what happened!

Pain is the body’s way of signaling you to "pay attention inside now" -- it's a warning sign from your body.

Ultimately, it's your body's way of letting you know it’s been pushed past its limits.

And when it comes to back muscle sprains and strains and disc injuries alike, with the proper care and a little time, you can help the body heal more often than not without invasive measures.

So, the big question I want to cover here is how to know if you have a spinal disc problem.

Let’s dive in.

Why it Matters:

All disc injuries are not the same, and while there are cases where you can experience a sudden onset of pain, the way you experience that pain might not be what you expect.

As the go-to provider for non-surgical spinal disc treatment in Capac, the most common type of spinal disc problem we see is indeed disc herniations.

These injuries most commonly occur in individuals between 45-65 years of age whose discs have naturally become more dehydrated and stiff.

When someone is diagnosed with a herniated or slipped disc, it means that one of their disc's inner layers has pushed through its tough outer layer.

On that same note, when someone is diagnosed with a bulging disc, it means that that inner layer is protruding and likely very near to penetrating that outer layer.

If you’re wondering how to know if you have a spinal disc problem, it helps to know that the pain most commonly presents in two ways:

● If the disc bulges far enough to press on a spinal nerve, you may notice pain that travels down your arms or legs.

● If the inside of your disc pushes through the outer layer, it could also cause severe inflammation resulting in pain.

How To Know if You Have a Spinal Disc Problem

Do you have a muscle sprain or strain in your back?

Or do you indeed have a disc issue?

The best way to know for sure is to, of course, make an appointment with us for a timely evaluation.

Our expert team specializes in non-invasive, natural spinal disc treatment in Capac, and we do offer same day appointments for new and existing patients.

If for some reason you can’t see us right away - perhaps it’s late at night, you're traveling, or there’s some other reason - here are some key indicators often associated with either sprains and strains or disc injuries.

● As is the case in the story I shared earlier, you’re most likely to experience a sprain or strain while or immediately after completing everyday tasks and movements. The pain can be intense and is often localized to the area of the back that was affected.

● Disc injuries on the other hand might not be attributable to a specific event, and the associated pain or discomfort (numbness, tingling, or weakness) often tends to be referred to and felt in the arms or legs on one side of the body (though some pain may be felt in the back).

Now, we should note as we discuss how to know if you have a spinal disc problem here that there are occasions where disc herniations are asymptomatic, which is why we recommend keeping up on your adjustments even when you’re not in pain.

Next Steps:

Regardless of the type of back injury you experience, the good news is that your spine is incredibly resilient and very capable of healing without the need for invasive procedures, injections, and surgeries.

Research has indicated time and again that movement-based care like the spinal adjustments and spinal rehab we provide in-house can be incredibly effective at helping you heal from disc injuries.

And, well, we’ve all been there!

You don’t need to spend any more time Googling for an answer to the question of how to know if you have a spinal disc problem because you have us.

Just like our team is here for each other when we suffer a back injury, we’re here for you.

If you’ve been living with back pain or some pains and discomfort in an arm or leg that you just can’t seem to remedy, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and let us know.

We specialize in providing non-invasive spinal disc treatment in Capac, and we’ll work with you to figure out what is at the root of that pain and to put together a plan to help you get out of pain and back to doing what you love, naturally.

Science Sources:

Bulging Disk vs. Herniated Disk: What's the Difference? Mayo Clinic. 2022. Exercise for Sciatica from a Herniated Disc. Spine-Health. 2021.


Title: 3 Easy Ways to Naturally Increase your Energy Levels

Keyword(s): ways to naturally increase your energy levels, chiropractor and wellness coach in Capac.

Meta-Description: Looking for ways to naturally increase your energy levels? Start with these tips from the leading combination chiropractor and wellness coach in Capac.

3 Easy Ways to Naturally Increase Your Energy Levels

There’s a reason you see so many commercials for “do-it-all” energy drinks like Red Bull and “have-it-all” energy shots like 5-Hour Energy…

We are exhausted, people!

The mid-afternoon energy crash is very real for just about every person you’ve ever met.

And the mind-boggling thing is we’re often left wondering… why?

If we got enough sleep, already had 2 coffees, didn’t skip lunch, and haven’t had a particularly stressful day, why is our energy still lacking?

We think to ourselves that we must need something else like another coffee, caffeinated soda, energy drink, or energy shot to function because that’s just how life is with our teenage years behind us.

Thankfully, as the leading combination chiropractor and wellness coach in Capac, we’re here to tell you those aren’t your only options.

Bottom Line:

Yes, the quickest and easiest way to boost your energy levels in a pinch often seems to be easy grabbing a second (or tenth?!) coffee, but boosting your energy level doesn't mean you need to rely on caffeine.

When it comes to improving how well you’re able to maintain your mental and physical energy levels, it helps to switch your focus to optimizing rather than supplementing.

Creating smart, healthy habits each day can be all it takes to help you increase your energy levels, mental focus, and overall endurance.

Why it Matters:

As we alluded to earlier, when you walk through a typical grocery store, you’ll often see dozens of products designed to help you “boost your energy” lining the shelves.

Many of these synthetic stimulants aren't healthy, and some can even become addictive.

What’s more, these can place unnecessary stress on your body.

And doing the exact opposite and finding ways to destress your body and mind is actually the best way to naturally boost your energy levels.

Let's take a closer look.

3 Ways to Naturally Increase Your Energy Levels

Why are we really so exhausted?

Because we’re stressed.

Take it from the leading chiropractor and wellness coach in Capac.

In our modern-day world, we’re subjecting ourselves to heightened levels of constant stress, to diets lacking in basic nutrition, and to increasingly sedentary lifestyles more often.

So, instead of that daily quick fix, it's better to take a step back and consider the effect that your stress levels, exercise frequency, and diet can have on your energy levels.

1. Being stressed out consumes a ton of energy. Bringing down your mental stress levels with a relaxing activity like meditation and your physical tension with some quick physical therapy in the form of chiropractic care can help you reclaim that energy.

2. Daily exercise can help you sleep better, elevate your mood, and further improve your energy levels by boosting the amount of oxygen circulating in your body.

3. Eating foods with a low glycemic index (where sugar is absorbed slowly) can help you avoid a crash after meals and snacks, keeping you more energized throughout the day.

Hopefully after reading the above list that idea of optimizing vs supplementing is becoming a bit clearer.

Finding real ways to address those low-grade energy drains that often go unnoticed in our day to day lives and sticking to them is the best way to reclaim the energy we didn’t think we had.

Next Steps:

Energy zappers are all around you, and now you know where to look.

Developing an awareness of your daily habits and making small changes can result in big changes in your daily energy levels.

It looks like your days of using caffeine as a crutch are coming to an end, right?


And if you need help identifying and creating a plan to address your personal stressors and you’d like to get our recommendations regarding the exercises, stretches, and dietary and lifestyle adjustments that may be right for you, just ask us during your next visit.

As the top chiropractor and wellness coach in Capac, we’re also standing by to provide the tension-relieving adjustments you need to keep moving and feeling your best.

Our doors are open, and we’re here to help!

Science Sources:

9 Tips to Boost Your Energy Naturally. Harvard Health Publishing. 2020.


Title: Here’s How Chiropractic Care Can Help You Be More Active

Keyword(s): how chiropractic care can help you be more active, full body adjustment chiropractor in Capac

Meta-Description: Here’s a breakdown of how chiropractic care can help you be more active from the top full body adjustment chiropractor in Capac.

Here’s How Chiropractic Care Can Help You Be More Active

We’ve all seen the “Sitting is the New Smoking” stories circulating online and in the news in recent years.

(You may have even seen a story or two talking about how chiropractic care can help you be more active like this one.)

Whether it's running, biking, swimming, lifting weights, or doing yoga, these days many people are focused on leading more active lifestyles.

They’re looking for ways to spend less time sitting and more time moving.

They’re scheduling blocks of time each day to complete a workout routine or to just be up on their feet and out of the house doing something they love.

We all want to be more active, and sometimes we forget that a big part of that is making sure our bodies are able to handle it!

Bottom Line:

You've heard it before: regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your physical and mental health.

It’s no secret that living an active lifestyle helps promote better overall health.

Helping you maintain how well you can bend, twist, jump, and move overall is a big part of how chiropractic care can help you be more active.

Daily physical activity / exercise can help you…

● More reliably manage your weight.

● Lessen your likelihood of developing certain health challenges.

● Reduce your overall stress levels.

● And improve your mental outlook.

But, if you're like 80% of people (yes, 80% of us!), you might not be getting enough physical activity each week.

And you might very well be one of the many living with daily aches and pains that keep you from being as active as you would like to be.

That’s where we come in.

As the go-to full-service, full body adjustment chiropractor in Capac, we’re here to help you get out of pain - no pain medications required.

Why it Matters:

Chiropractic care has been part of the wellness conversation worldwide for well over 125 years.

So, exactly how chiropractic care can help you be more active?

The primary focus for chiropractors is movement-based care.

We’re all about “move better, feel better, heal better.”

Just like it’s no secret that living an active lifestyle can help improve your overall wellbeing…

It’s no secret that when your neck, arms, shoulders, upper back, lower back, hips, legs, knees, ankles, or any part of your body isn’t “stuck”, you just feel better.

You have one less thing weighing on your mind, you feel less “run down”, you have less of a need for those over the counter pain medications, and you have one less reason to cancel your plans.

So, how do we help keep your body moving at its best?

Read on.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help You Be More Active

Let’s start with Movement 101.

Chiropractors focus on improving your neuromusculoskeletal function with spinal manipulation and other natural, movement-based techniques.

Your overall health is influenced by three types of movement…

1. Segmental: how well your body's individual joints move.

2. Regional: how well your neck, low back, arms, and legs move.

3. Whole body: how well your whole body moves.

Here’s how…

● Segmental Movement: Regular chiropractic adjustments can positively influence the function of your nervous system, help decrease aches and pains, and help relax your muscles.

● Regional Movement: Regular stretching can help to improve your range of motion and biomechanics and your energy levels.

● Whole Body Movement: Daily exercise can help to improve your mood and your sleep and help to lower your risk of chronic disease.

When you’ve spend some time reading about how chiropractic care can help you be more active, take the leap to finally see a full body adjustment chiropractor in Capac and give us a call, you’ll hear us say it time and time again…

Move better. Feel better. Heal better!

Next Steps:

Millions of people make new year’s resolutions to get more active each year… and each year, they might come up just a bit short.

It happens.

But this year, you have the tools and resources to succeed!

Together, we covered some common sense steps for setting health goals and some simple ways to start cultivating a more positive mindset earlier this month.

And now hopefully you understand just a bit more about how chiropractic care can help you be more active and the role it has to play in helping you finally meet and exceed your resolutions for the year ahead (whether they’re new or not!).

With the proper support, your body can thank you in so many ways.

So, if you’ve been sidelined by chronic aches and pains, let us know.

As the go-to full body adjustment chiropractor in Capac, we're here to help you get healthy and stay healthy so you can stay active and reach your goals!

Science Source:

How Often You Should Exercise. Cleveland Clinic. 2022. The Use of Spinal Manipulation to Treat Injury. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2016.


Title: Positive Thinking and the Mind-Body Connection

Keyword(s): positive thinking and the mind-body connection, top holistic chiropractor in Capac

Meta-Description: Is the relationship between positive thinking and the mind-body connection real? As the top holistic chiropractor in Capac, we’re here to tell you it is!

Positive Thinking and the Mind-Body Connection

Do you think of yourself as a “glass half-empty or half-full” sort of person?

Have you ever had someone tell you to "look on the bright side" or to "turn that frown upside-down" or who tried to tell you all about positive thinking and the mind-body connection?

Perhaps a friend has shared the classic “things turn out the best for people who make the best of the way things turn out” saying with you a time or two.

Maybe you’ve done so yourself a time or two as well.

Chances are good that if you or someone you know makes these comments, you’re positive thinkers.

And get this.

As the top holistic chiropractor in Capac, we’re here to let you know that researchers are finding more and more evidence pointing to the many benefits of optimism and positive thinking.

Bottom Line:

It’s been said many times over many years by many people that mindset is the #1 predictor of success and for good reason.

The conversations that you have with yourself often play a major role in determining your personal growth.

The relationship between positive thinking and the mind-body connection is very real.

Here’s an example you might be familiar with…

Thinking that you can't do something can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

When we take on this type of mindset, it tends to get in the way and keep us from acting and making the decisions we need to make to do whatever it is we need to do.

The good news? There’s good news.

We can update our habits, beliefs, and the way we think, and that can have positive effects on both our mental outlook and physical wellbeing.

Why it Matters:

When it comes to positive thinking and the mind-body connection, choosing to practice positive thinking can be a key part of effective stress management, and effective stress management can mean a world of good for your body.

Some of those benefits can include:

● Fewer chronic aches, pains, and less daily discomfort.

● A lower likelihood of developing certain health conditions.

● Better mental coping skills and physiological responses when it comes to stress.

As we all know, when you feel better, you also tend to make better decisions for your health.

You may very well be more active each day and make better food choices as a result.

Practicing positive thinking can allow you to look at the world with a new perspective, and that can empower you to become the person you know you can be.

That’s positive thinking and the mind-body connection in action!

A Closer Look at Positive Thinking and the Mind-Body Connection

Here are some additional interesting points you may not know about this phenomenon…

● In one recent study, researchers found evidence to suggest that negative emotions may play a role in the development of a weakened immune response.

● In another study, researchers attributed a positive outlook to a 30% decrease in the likelihood of one day experiencing a cardiovascular event.

Positive thinking matters.

As the top holistic chiropractor in Capac, we’ve seen the changes that positive thinking can make in our patient’s overall wellbeing first hand.

So, what steps can you take to improve your outlook?

Next Steps:

This week, try and pay attention to the thought loops running through your head.

When you notice a negative thought, take a moment to try to be more conscientious about what you tell yourself.

Use some of those phrases the positive thinkers in your life have often shared with you.

This simple and small change can go a long way to help you cultivate a more positive mindset in the year ahead.

Remember, the research tells us that cultivating a positive mindset isn't just a lackadaisical, “granola” way to approach life.

Studies examining positive thinking and the mind-body connection have shown us that our mental health impacts much of our physical health, and a positive mindset can lead to improvements in our overall health and well-being.

Speaking of that mind-body connection, if you’ve been living around some chronic aches and pains and you just can’t get them “off your mind”, call the top holistic chiropractor in Capac.

Our doors are open, our team has been there, and we’re here to help!

Science Sources:

Positive Thinking: Stop Negative Self-talk to Reduce Stress. Mayo Clinic. 2022. The Power of Positive Thinking. Johns Hopkins Medicine. 2022.


Title: Try These 5 Simple Steps for Setting Health Goals

Keyword(s): steps for setting health goals, wellness chiropractor in Capac

Meta-Description: If you’re looking for help finding steps for setting health goals that stick, start with these tips from the top wellness chiropractor Capac.

Try These 5 Simple Steps for Setting Health Goals

There’s some real wisdom in the saying that goes “a goal without a plan is just a wish.”

Have you ever felt like you were working hard and took all the right steps for setting health goals but, at the end of the day, you just weren’t making any progress towards them?

That might as well be a rhetorical question, right?

Of course you have. We all have.

And being the go-to wellness chiropractor in Capac for everyone from…

● Lisa and Matt working and living at the speed of their three kids…

● To second year basketball coach Noah…

● To first year yoga student Kim…

● To retired master sergeant Ben…

And so many others - we’ve seen, heard, and helped people from all walks of life follow some SMART steps for setting health goals.

Bottom Line:

The truth is that most people often feel “stuck” when it comes to their health goals right about this time every year.

They set goals, take a few action steps for setting health goals, but never seem to accomplish very much for one reason or another (except for Diane, the little old lady next door that just won’t quit - but we digress).

And one thing we’ve noticed is that the problem really isn't a lack of motivation… it’s the lack of clear and SMART goals.

Why it Matters:

Following these 5 SMART steps for setting health goals can make all the difference in your follow through.

These structured goals make it easier for you to clarify your thoughts, focus your efforts, and use your time to your advantage.

Following such goals can also increase your chances of not only achieving but perhaps even surpassing your expectations.

5 SMART Steps for Setting Health Goals

Let’s break down our SMART acronym…

1. Make It Specific: Make your goals specific for more effective planning. Think what, why, who, where, when, and which.

2. Make It Measurable: define how you are making progress. Think how much, how many, and how will I know when it’s done.

3. Make It Attainable: make them reasonable to accomplish. Think about how you can accomplish it and be realistic about any constraints you might have to contend with.

4. Make It Relevant: your goals should align with your values. In a word, it should be worthwhile to you personally.

5. Make It Time-Based: set a date of completion. Your goals can be short-term or long-term (today, 6 weeks, 6 months, etc), and this step in particular can help you focus and prioritize multiple goals.

We usually cover these steps for setting health goals with those who came to us after searching specifically for a wellness chiropractor in Capac online.

As you may have guessed, they’re looking for more than the standard adjustment, and most all have told us that this framework along with our care and guidance really did make all the difference in their new year’s resolutions and other aspirations.

Let’s circle back to Lisa and Matt for a moment.

Both were active runners before becoming parents, and they hadn’t run a marathon together for 5 years.

They wanted to make this the year they finally got back to it, so they made a SMART plan.

1. Specific: They wanted to start running together 3 times a week for 20-60 minutes (ideally, they would increase the minutes logged every few months), stretch on off-days, and visit our office at least once a month.

2. Measurable: They would log their runs on their kitchen calendar, using various colored markers to represent the times.

3. Attainable: They’ve both run marathons in the past, so while it had been awhile, this was in both of their comfort zones.

4. Relevant: They had always enjoyed running, even before they met, and reviving their hobby was important to them.

5. Time-Based: There was a local marathon put on downtown every year, so they knew how long they’d have to prepare.

They stuck to their SMART steps for setting health goals and did, in fact, finally enjoy that first marathon together!

Next Steps:

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

It couldn’t be more true.

A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.

A plan backed by action becomes reality.

There is no better time than right now to take some simple SMART steps for setting health goals to improve your wellbeing this year.

That said, we also want to add that living a healthy life is a journey, so be sure to celebrate each step of your progress, no matter how seemingly small.

And know that our team will be here to help guide you along the way.

When it comes to health questions, health challenges, and resolving those nagging aches and pains that have been holding you back from reaching your goals, it’s smart to start by reaching out to the top wellness chiropractor in Capac.

Whether you’re looking for…

● Whole-body chiropractic adjustments

● Guided exercise and stretching recommendations

● Or diet and lifestyle advice

We’ve got you covered, and we’re here to help!

Just give us a call.

Science Sources:

SMART Goals: How to Make Your Goals Achievable. MindTools. 2022.


Title: Try These 3 Chiropractor-Approved Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress

Keyword(s): tips for reducing holiday stress, wellness center stress management program in Capac.

Meta-Description: Whether you’re looking for tips for reducing holiday stress or a wellness center stress management program in Capac, you’ve come to the right place!

Try These 3 Chiropractor-Approved Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress

Bottom Line:

We all know someone who gets sick around the holidays every year.

Are they just unlucky?

Well, while it probably would have helped if someone had shared some tips for reducing holiday stress like those we’re about to share with you (insert *fake cough*)...

Thankfully, luck doesn’t have anything to do with it!

Our bodies are designed to be healthy and resilient, and research indicates that our daily choices may be the most crucial factor in our ability to stay well.

Why it Matters:

Managing our daily choices well = managing our daily stresses well = staying well.

If you’re looking for a wellness center stress management program in Capac, be sure to remember that.

The most reliable and effective tips for reducing holiday stress are based on this logic.

Think about it.

Each day, our bodies are tasked with handling our chemical, physical, and emotional stresses in order to protect and maintain an optimal state of health.

That includes what goes into our bodies, how we use our bodies, and any changes we make to our habits in response to stressful situations.

Each is vitally important.

Our Top 3 Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress This Year

Aging, healing, and your entire life experience happen through a constant concert of communication and coordination between your brain and body.

Knowing that, here are 3 steps you can take today to give yourself better health as we head into a new year…

1. Daily Movement: Exercise is an essential way to keep your mind and body fit over the holidays.

2. Mental Moments: Each day, set aside time to pause, decompress and count your blessings.

3. Portion Planning: Try to plan and balance your meals so you give yourself the best shot at avoiding any extra empty calories or foods that may lead to added inflammation.

Now, we admit, at first glance, our list of tips for reducing holiday stress can seem incredibly obvious - you’ve heard these same tips time and time again.

Those who have come to us looking for a wellness center stress management program in Capac have said as much when we first met them in our practice.

And perhaps that’s exactly why so many of us tend to ignore them or just otherwise put these essential fundamentals of our own self-care on the backburner.

Allow us to put a “bow” on that list to better put their importance in perspective.

"Your body's ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe."

Your body truly does have an incredible innate ability to adapt, change, and heal, and it all starts with prioritizing those daily habits that lay the groundwork for your good health.

Next Steps:

Staying healthy this holiday season is more than attainable.

Your habits and the choices you make each day can either enhance or reduce your body's ability to feel and work at its best.

Your diet and daily exercise and self-care routines play a huge role in your well-being, so take a few minutes each day to be proactive with your healthy habits.

Managing your daily stresses with these tips for reducing holiday stress - and really all stress - are great ways to get started.

And if you need help…

If you’ve been looking for a wellness center stress management program in Capac…

We hope you’ll give us a call.

Our team is always a call or a click away, and we’re here for you!

Science Sources:

Stress Management. Mayo Clinic. 2021. Stress and Susceptibility to the Common Cold. N Engl J Med. 1991.


Title: 3 Unique Ways Chiropractors Can Help Relieve Holiday Stress

Keyword(s): relieve holiday stress, chiropractor who treats muscle tension pain in Capac.

Meta-Description: Looking for reliable ways to relieve holiday stress? Seeing a chiropractor who treats muscle tension pain in Capac may be just what you need.

3 Unique Ways Chiropractors Can Help Relieve Holiday Stress

Bottom Line:

Did you know… chronic stress - especially chronic holiday stress - can contribute to health challenges like anxiety and even back pain.


When your body is in a constant state of stress, it produces hormones that can disrupt almost all of your body's natural processes.

That’s one of the big reasons discovering healthy ways to cope with and ultimately relieve holiday stress is one of the best ways to keep yourself well before, during, and after your much anticipated family gatherings and favorite festivities.

As it turns out, chiropractors may be the perfect healthcare partner to help you get started.

And we’re here to tell you why you should consider seeing a chiropractor who treats muscle tension pain in Capac to get the most out of this holiday season.

Why it Matters:

Research has shown that chronic stress affects both your brain and body in various ways and identifying its presence early is a key way to relieve holiday stress and maintain your good health.

In recent studies, researchers observed both decreased cortisol levels and improved motor control following chiropractic adjustments (spinal manipulative therapy).

Early signs of chronic stress include sleeplessness, headaches, muscle tension, and joint pain.

How Chiropractors Can Help Relieve Holiday Stress, Naturally

As it happens, chiropractors can help you overcome stress in a few unique ways.

Here are just 3 ways we can help you reduce stress…

1. Reducing Muscle Tension: Reducing any built-up tension in your muscles can help soothe a tired body and mind.

2. Restoring Movement: Gentle adjustments to the body can help you move your back, arms, and legs more freely and with less pain.

3. Offering Personalized Exercise: Daily exercise is a powerful way to turn the dial down on that mental stress and up on your overall physical wellbeing (not to mention the effectiveness of our care!).

Remember, move better, feel better!

Chiropractic heals, and seeing a chiropractor who treats muscle tension pain in Capac, is a smart way to de-stress before, during, and after the holidays.

In fact, in several studies, researchers observed that people receiving spinal adjustments reported a higher quality of life in general than those who weren’t - less pain, less down days.

Needless to say, eliminating those down days can certainly help relieve holiday stress!

Next Steps:

Even people who are never stressed out often start to notice an uptick in headaches, muscle tension, and difficulty sleeping during this time of year.

If you’re finding it just a bit challenging to simply relax and enjoy the holidays…

If you’ve been having trouble finding ways to relieve holiday stress…

We hope you’ll think of our team and won’t hesitate to give us a call.

Our doors are open all season long, and especially when you need a local go-to chiropractor who treats muscle tension pain in Capac, we’re here for you!

Science Source:

Neurophysiological Effects of Spinal Manipulation. Spine J. 2002.


Title: How Holiday Stress Affects the Body (and How Chiropractic Can Help)

Keyword(s): how holiday stress affects the body, neck and shoulder tension chiropractor in Capac

Meta-Description: As the leading neck and shoulder tension chiropractor in Capac, we know a thing or two about how holiday stress affects the body.

How Holiday Stress Affects the Body (and How Chiropractic Can Help)

Bottom Line:

Your stress level and spinal health are linked through your nervous system.

Just think about what happens to you physically when you get stressed out.

More specifically, think about how holiday stress affects the body.

Your muscles tense, your breathing patterns change, and often, so does the way you move.

As the leading neck and shoulder tension chiropractor in Capac, we know that last part to be especially true.

Changes in your posture, for example, can lead to neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, and more – all in response to the stress you’re feeling.

Why it Matters:

Stress often triggers some cycle of pain or dysfunction, and the process is coordinated through your nervous, immune, and musculoskeletal systems.

Here's an example of how holiday stress affects the body:

If you're stressed out, you may notice you start to exercise less, which may lead to pain and stiffness, which may bring your mental health down, which may in turn lead to more stress.

You should know, our team can help you combat the effects of stress on your body.

Let’s look at an alternative…

● Stress can affect your posture and the way you move.

● That abnormal motion can lead to pain and inflammation.

● Chiropractic adjustments to the body can help improve your posture, the way you move, and lessen any physical irritation to your nerves.

How Holiday Stress Affects the Body

Correcting any abnormal movement patterns with gentle, safe, effective, and non-invasive treatments is where chiropractors shine and why you shouldn’t hesitate to visit a neck and shoulder tension chiropractor in Capac if you’re in pain.

For many, a few targeted adjustments to the affected joints can help reset any distorted movement patterns which in turn can make a significant impact on their overall pain levels, mobility, and well-being.

In one recent study, researchers observed a measurable improvement in the biomechanical and functional performance in low back pain patients immediately following adjustments.

Participants were able to both move and complete tasks more efficiently and freely and with less pain, and knowing what you undoubtedly know about how holiday stress affects the body, this is HUGE.

And, in yet another study, researchers found that chiropractic care was associated with significant improvements in health-related quality of life over time, especially in pain.

Next Steps:

In short, movement is the best natural "medicine" for bringing down those stress levels and improving the way you move and feel.

In fact, daily exercise has been shown to lower stress levels, elevate moods, and improve overall health.

Between workout sessions, gentle chiropractic adjustments to the body can help keep you moving well and keep any pains at bay so you can get the daily exercise you need to stay well this holiday season.

That’s exactly what we do everyday as the go-to neck and shoulder tension chiropractor in Capac.

So, if you’re all too familiar with how holiday stress affects the body and you’re looking for a natural way to relieve those aches and pains so you can get back to enjoying the festivities and more, we hope you’ll give us a call!

Science Sources:

Neurophysiological Effects of Spinal Manipulation. Spine J. 2002. Posture and Stress. EHAWC. 2011.


Title: Got Chronic Holiday Stress? Chiropractic Can Help.

Keyword(s): chronic holiday stress, chronic pain chiropractor in Capac

Meta-Description: chronic holiday stress, chronic pain chiropractor in Capac

Got Chronic Holiday Stress? Chiropractic Can Help.

Bottom Line:

As the leading chronic pain chiropractor in Capac, we know a thing or two about stress and the effects it can have on our neighbors before, during, and after the holiday season.

And stress can actually be a good thing.

If a lion were chasing you, an increase in heart rate, muscle tension, and focus would hopefully help you escape unharmed!

Thankfully, you don't need to worry about being chased by a lion today.

It might be someone cutting you off on the way to pick up your holiday gifts that could put your body into the same fight or flight mode.

Remember the last time you saw a car veering into your lane, and your heart rate went through the roof?!

That is an acute stress response in action.

Your brain and body respond to negative stress whether real or imagined, and chronic stress - yes, including chronic holiday stress - can have a profound impact on your health.

Why it Matters:

Again, in the short term, acute stress can be a good thing.

It helps us react quickly.

Your brain tells your adrenal glands to release hormones (chemicals) that help your body respond in an instant.

Adrenaline increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure and boosts energy supplies.

Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, increases sugarsin the bloodstream, enhances your brain's use of glucose, increases the availability of substances that repair tissues, and curbs functions that would be nonessential or harmful in a fight-or-flight situation.

This complex natural alarm system can also alter immune system responses and suppress the digestive system.

Now, normally, the body's stress response / alarm system is self-limiting.

However, if the body’s stress response continues unchecked for an extended period of time, you may feel yourself slip into chronic stress mode.

As the go-to chronic pain chiropractor in Capac, we’re here to tell you that, yes, chronic stress affects people of all ages and from all walks of life.

(Yes, even that friend you have that lives for yoga and meditates every. single. day.)

And it probably comes as no surprise that chronic holiday stress can wreak havoc on your brain and body - we’re talking heightened levels of cortisol secretion and even the development of a sensitized physiologic stress response.

What's more, the symptoms of chronic pain and chronic stress overlap and often feed into one another, causing the cycle to continue.

Here are some key points to remember about the chronic stress cycle…

● Chronic stress can lead to anxiety, depression, headaches, sleep problems, and potentially more.

● Stress, pain, and inflammation are all connected by the stress hormone cortisol.

● Spinal adjustments may be able to promote a decrease in your cortisol level.

Wait? Chiropractic care could help me with my chronic holiday stress?

Indeed it can.

Chiropractic Care Can Help You Manage Chronic Holiday Stress

Recent studies have shown that chiropractic care, specifically spinal adjustments, may help to decrease your body’s overall stress levels.

In one recent study, researchers found that participants who received chiropractic interventions for their chronic, recurring neck pain and headaches reported significant improvement in both their perceived physical and mental stress levels.

They also reported improved physical function, which is thought to be the mechanism via which chiropractic care can act to reduce the recurrence of chronic stress and chronic pain that can contribute to cycles of chronic stress.

Next Steps:

So, to put a “bow” on everything you just learned, we recommend taking some time each day to check on your own stress levels throughout the holiday season.

If you start to feel it rising, we hope you’ll give us a call, and make an appointment with the top chronic pain chiropractor in Capac for a tension relieving, soothing adjustment.

Together, our compassionate team of wellness experts can help you combat that chronic holiday stress and say goodbye to those nagging back and neck aches so you can actually enjoy the holidays this year and for many to come!

Science Sources:

Stress Management. Mayo Clinic. 2021. Chronic Stress, Cortisol Dysfunction, and Pain. Physical Therapy. 2014. Cortisol Levels and Chiropractic. Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic. 2020.


Title: These Low Back Pain Relief Exercises Can Help You Recover Quicker

Keywords: low back pain relief exercises, low back rehab in Capac

Meta-Description: When it comes to your back health, movement matters. Whether you're interested in low back pain relief exercises or low back rehab in Capac

These Low Back Pain Relief Exercises Can Help You Recover Quicker

Bottom Line:

When back pain strikes, your first instinct might be to sit down or lie down until your discomfort subsides.

But get this.

Recent studies strongly suggest that medications and rest are actually a couple of the least effective ways to find relief!

What’s more, research also tells us that it’s often a lack of daily movement that causes back pain to begin in the first place!

And, actually, most of us already know that, don’t we?

If there’s one thing just about every patient we work with for low back rehab in Capac agrees on, it’s that if we remain sitting or standing in the same position for too long, we get sore, stiff, and tired.

It’s clear our bodies were designed to move.

It makes sense, then, that movement is one of the best ways to recover from back pain.

But, wait…

If everyday activities where we’re up and moving like vacuuming can take a toll on our back and leave us feeling the same as if we had been sitting down for too long, how exactly does movement help us recover?

When it comes to finding the best low back pain relief exercises, you need to think like a chiropractor.

Let’s dive in.

Why it Matters:

Finding relief from low back pain through movement starts with a basic understanding of proper body mechanics.

The right movements and exercises can help you recover more quickly and prevent future back pain episodes.

Let’s start with movement.

There are three different basic types of body movement: segmental, regional, and whole body movement.

The foundation of all movement is segmental movement.

You can think of segmental movement as what occurs between the individual joints of your body.

A step above that are regional movements which are the more complex overall movements that occur in a particular body region like the neck, mid-back, or low back.

Finally, whole-body movement is what we typically think of as exercise.

As you can tell, all three types of movement are essential and work together to keep your spine and musculoskeletal system healthy and supported so it can keep functioning at its best.

Let’s break it down…

● Segmental Movement: Moving the individual joints of your body is what chiropractors are specifically trained to do. Proper segmental movement can help reduce physical and neurological pain and improve your range of motion.

● Regional Movement: Regional range of motion exercises performed in combination with dynamic stretching can help reduce low back stiffness.

● Whole Body Exercise: Daily exercise not only helps your brain and body feel better as a whole, but also helps to improve your body’s ability to rest and recover at night.

Low Back Pain Relief Exercises

Targeted whole body exercises are particularly important because these motions can help strengthen and lengthen the muscles that support the spine.

As you might imagine, we recommend a combination of low or minimal impact exercises and stretches that focus on the back and core muscles to our patients who’ve come to us for low back rehab in Capac.

Strong core (abdominal) muscles are key to helping you maintain proper posture and alignment of the spine, and flexible muscles are less prone to injury which means you’re less prone to injury.

That said, it’s important to keep in mind that low back pain relief exercises that help to build-up and support the back shouldn’t involve awkward or physically stressful motions as these often have the opposite effect.

Bicycling, swimming, and walking are all examples of fundamentally safe and beneficial activities that are characterized by low impact movements.

Activities like tennis, weight lifting, and running, on the other hand, can be considered somewhat risky because of the different motions and impact involved. The same can be said with the vacuuming example we mentioned earlier.

Simple, low impact, easily repeatable exercises and stretches that you can regularly incorporate into your daily routine are key for improving your back health.

Next Steps:

If your joints aren't moving correctly, the rest of your body isn’t moving correctly, or well for that matter, and that’s when pain can strike.

And while moving may feel like the last thing you should do more of if you're struggling with back pain, research has repeatedly shown that movement and exercise are two of the best ways to find relief from back pain.

If you've dealt with back pain, and you’re exploring options for low back rehab in Capac, we hope you’ll give us a call today.

We’re dedicated to providing pain-relieving, back-pain-preventing, drug-free options for low back pain relief including low back pain relief exercises, and we’re here for you.

Our expert team has the experience and know how to ensure your body is moving and functioning at its best and to help you design the perfect personalized exercise plan to help you get (and stay) well for years to come!

Science Sources: 5 Steps to a Pain-Free Back. Harvard Health Publishing. 2016.

: When to Have Back Surgery and When to See a Chiropractor Instead

Keywords: when to have back surgery, non-invasive back pain treatment in Capac

Meta-Description: Here’s what you need to know if you’re wondering when to have back surgery and when to seek alternative non-invasive back pain treatment in Capac.

When to Have Back Surgery and When to See a Chiropractor Instead

Bottom Line:

Many people think that surgery is the ultimate once-and-for-all "fix" for a problem area of their spine that has been injured.

They may believe that the answer to the question of when to have back surgery is if they’ve been living with it for more than a month or so.

And while in a very small percentage of back pain cases surgery has reportedly provided some level of relief…

It’s also true that the permanent changes that surgery makes to your anatomy can cause a host of new problems to appear, and that’s in addition to the inherent risks that come along with such invasive procedures.

For instance, one of the conditions that may result from surgery is referred to as "adjacent segment disease," and it’s the number one reason low back pain surgical patients go back for more.

Now, odds are, surgery is not something most of us would turn to as a first or even second resort to find relief from our low back pain.

It’s likely that most of our neighbors would look for non-invasive back pain treatment in Capac before considering surgery.

But some of us with chronic low back pain (which refers to pain that has lasted for more than 3 months) may have wondered if it’s something we’d have to seriously consider.

So, let’s consider it together, right now.

Why it Matters:

In one recent study, researchers found that those low back pain patients with disc issues who received chiropractic care experienced the same if not more relief than patients with the same condition who underwent invasive back surgeries.

The chiropractic patients found relief without any of the risks associated with surgery.

When to Have Back Surgery

Obviously, we specialize in providing non-invasive back pain treatment in Capac.

That said, because in this exercise we’re also examining when surgery should be considered, here’s another interesting finding that came out of that study…

It turns out that those individuals who didn't find “great” results with chiropractic care were actually found to be great surgical candidates.

So, wherever you fall on the spectrum of low back pain - condition, duration, etc - if you’re wondering when to have back surgery, it makes sense to see a chiropractor first.

Either way, we’ll get you on the path to relief.

Let’s recap…

● It’s estimated that approximately 60% of patients with sciatica back pain who received chiropractic care benefitted to the same degree as if they had received surgery.

● On that note, it’s estimated that around 25% of patients who undergo back surgery may experience complications.

● Research strongly suggests that low back pain patients with disc herniations should consider chiropractic care before exploring surgical interventions.

Next Steps:

We understand that having any surgery is a big decision, and that it can be difficult to know when to have back surgery and when to wait.

Between the time you’ll have to spend away from work and the possibility of living with results that aren't exactly fantastic, it’s smart to explore all available options.

If you’ve been looking for non-invasive back pain treatment in Capac, we hope you’ll think of us.

In our practice, our goal is to help you avoid unnecessary and risky medical procedures and prescription medications for pain relief and healing in favor of natural and conservative treatments that are, well, often more effective (especially in the long-term).

However, if you are one of the few people who we sincerely think may benefit from surgery, rest assured that we will let you know.

In our practice, your wellness comes first.

And our compassionate team of healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing you with the best care recommendations based on your goals and our findings.

It's how we believe healthcare should be delivered, and we’re here for you.

Science Sources:

Microdiskectomy. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2010. Risk of Complications in Spine Surgery. Open Orthop J. 2015.


Title: Here’s What Causes Low Back Pain… and It’s Not What You Think

Keywords: what causes low back pain, low back pain treatment in Capac.

Meta-Description: Looking for low back pain treatment in Capac that will actually work? It helps to first understand what causes low back pain. Read on.

Here’s What Causes Low Back Pain… and It’s Not What You Think

Bottom Line:

Yes, it’s true.

Low back pain is something that a majority of us - well over 80% of the world’s population - will deal with at some point in our lives.

It’s also true that a majority of this community have considered seeking low back pain treatment in Capac.

But, what causes low back pain exactly?

Most of us mistakenly think that any back pain we experience must be attributed to a single incident.

The time you picked up a box that was just a little bit too heavy.

The time you were hit square in the back with a baseball.

The time your best friend’s son decided to try The Rock’s (aka Dwane Johnson’s) infamous “People’s Elbow” on you while you were crouched down on the floor just trying to pick up some important papers (true story).

The truth is that it’s usually not just one incident contributing to your ongoing low back pain.

Let’s take a closer look at the low back and what you can do to turn the dial down on your nagging low back pain.

Why it Matters:

First, some fundamental anatomy.

Your low back is made up of 5 bones you’ll hear us refer to as the lumbar vertebrae, each with spinal discs in between them.

These bones protect your spinal cord which travels down through your spinal column and branches out to the left and right side in between each vertebrae.

Supporting the incredible structure that is your spine is a variety of ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

Knowing that, the “real” cause of your back pain is probably becoming clearer.

What Causes Low Back Pain

As it turns out, low back pain often occurs because the stress on a particular area of your spine has outweighed your body's ability to adapt to and handle that stress.

And, of course, if the stress on any one area of the spine becomes too great, then an injury may occur.

When it comes specifically to what causes low back pain, the most common low back pain related injuries are sprains and strains, spinal disc bulges and herniations, and facet joint issues (misalignments, adhesions, etc).

The good news is that, in most cases, these injuries can heal pretty quickly with the right care.

We’ve helped many people seeking low back pain treatment in Capac just like you find natural relief from their low back pain right here in our practice.

To put that all together…

● Abnormal motion of the spinal joints and other structures in your low back can cause and contribute to ongoing low back pain.

● A double-blinded, randomized controlled trial found spinal adjustments to be more effective than NSAIDs for the care of low back pain.

● Research also strongly suggests that ongoing periodic chiropractic visits may prevent future episodes of low back pain.

Next Steps:

So, what can you do to relieve your low back pain?

What we’ve seen in our practice as far as what causes low back pain and how it should be treated aligns with what researchers have found.

The best way to reduce your risk of experiencing low back pain is to be proactive with your spinal health.

Daily movement, dynamic stretching, regular exercise, and ongoing periodic chiropractic adjustments are all examples of simple steps you can take to help keep your low back in tip-top shape.

And whether it’s been some time since your last adjustment, you’re finally ready for your first, or you’re looking for advice on the exercises and stretches that make the most sense for you, know that we’re here to help.

We provide naturally-based low back pain treatment in Capac and more, and we’re here for you.

Just give us a call!

Science Sources:

Spinal Manipulation Therapy for Low Back Pain. Spine. 2011. Spinal Manipulation Therapy and Placebo. Spine. 2013.


Title: Research-Backed Ways to Relieve Sciatica Back Pain Without Surgery

Keywords: ways to relieve sciatica back pain, chiropractor that treats sciatica in Capac.

Meta-Description: Science says if you’re looking for ways to relieve sciatica back pain, you should consider seeing a chiropractor that treats sciatica in Capac. Here’s why.

Research-Backed Ways to Relieve Sciatica Back Pain Without Surgery

Bottom Line:

Have you ever immediately stopped in your tracks or fallen to your knees because of a sudden onset of sciatica pain?

Perhaps your low back “locked-up” and pain shot down your leg after a simple sneeze or cough or you bent over to pick something up.

Talk about one of the most unwelcome surprises of your life!

And it can be scary.

After all, intense pain like that must be caused by something serious, right?

Well, as the leading chiropractor that treats sciatica in Capac, we’re here to tell you that may not be the case.

In fact, finding ways to relieve sciatica back pain may be simpler than you think.

Why it Matters:

Let’s start with what typically causes sciatica back pain.

Sciatic pain is often caused when a spinal disc, excess bone, or overgrown ligaments begin to pinch on your low back's nerves.

These nerves travel down your buttocks, down the back of your legs, and into your feet.

It might surprise you to learn that disc bulges and herniations are quite common as we get older, and a majority of the time, they don't cause any pain.

That's right.

As a go-to local chiropractor that treats sciatica in Capac, we’ve seen it first-hand more times than we can count.

You can (and may right now) have various spinal disc issues that aren't causing you any pain.

However, if a nerve in your low back were to become “pinched'', your body would almost certainly be sure to let you know about it with a jolt of pain.

That pain may have you thinking that one of the only ways to relieve sciatica back pain must be to “fix” that bulged or herniated disc by cutting it out with surgery…

But that's often not the case.

Ways to Relieve Sciatica Back Pain

We’ve found, and research supports, that non-invasive conservative treatments like those offered in our practice are among the most effective ways to treat and relieve sciatica back pain.

Forget the scalpel.

Think stretching, exercise, and spinal adjustments.

Research indicates that each of these treatment options can help reduce the pinching or compression on your spinal nerves to provide clinically significant relief from the painful symptoms associated with sciatica.

Let’s take a closer look…

● Controlled movement of your spinal joints can help reduce the inflammation and pain associated with a sciatica attack.

● In a recent study involving patients with lumbar disc herniations, researchers observed that participants reported more relief (over 60% more) with spinal adjustments than with spinal injections.

● It's estimated that less than 5% of people with sciatica are good candidates for surgical intervention, and, for that reason alone, surgery should be considered a last resort.

Next Steps:

Let’s set the record straight once and for all…

Having sciatica pain does not mean that you are destined for surgery, and you don’t have to just learn to live with it for as long as possible until that day comes.

A majority of people with disc issues and sciatica can get well using chiropractic care.

And you can be one of them.

There are other ways to relieve sciatica back pain, and it starts by seeing a chiropractor that treats sciatica in Capac.

Your spine is resilient, your spinal discs can heal, and we're here to help.

Just give us a call to get started!

Science Source:

Nerve Root Injections. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2013.

back pain chiropractor in Capac

Meta-Description: Wondering what to do for low back pain? Healthcare experts say visiting the top low back pain chiropractor in Capac is a great place to start. Here’s why.

Top Healthcare Organizations Now Agree on What to Do for Low Back Pain

Bottom Line:

Would you be surprised if we told you that low back pain may well be the number one source of disability across the globe?

You might.

Would you be surprised if we told you that we were 99.9% certain you had experienced back pain in the last month?

Probably not.

After all, everyone deals with neck and back pain at some point in their lives, right?

You. Your family and friends. Your coworkers and acquaintances. Everyone.

And as someone who’s dealt with low back pain in the past, you more than understand just how much it can alter your daily life.

You may even be among the many who know that some days just standing up straight can feel like an incredibly impossible task!

You likely have spent a great deal of time trying to figure out what to do for low back pain relief.

And it’s for those reasons that many major healthcare organizations are weighing in with their recommendations for the best ways to take care of low back pain.

What they have to say may surprise you.

Why it Matters:

Their verdict: conservative care options should be explored first for the care of low back pain.

So, if you’ve been looking for a low back pain chiropractor in Capac, you’ve made a smart decision!

It’s becoming clear that the days of taking drugs and medications as a widely accepted front-line treatment are coming to an end.

Pain prescriptions are now rarely recommended because healthcare professionals and patients alike are becoming more and more aware of the potentially dangerous side effects that come with them.

Researchers are also continuously sharing findings that indicate those same medications aren’t delivering the long-term relief patients are looking for.

However, they’ve found that the conservative care provided by chiropractors like us can be particularly effective for the care of low back pain.

In fact, our care ranks at the top of many leading healthcare organizations lists for what to do for low back pain relief.

What to Do for Low Back Pain

Movement-based strategies such as spinal adjustments, controlled exercise, and dynamic stretching are a few of the most effective ways to relieve low back issues.

As the top low back pain chiropractor in Capac, we’ve seen the results first-hand.

And not only are movement-based strategies good at providing fast relief, but research strongly suggests that such conservative care interventions may also offer a preventative effect when continued over time.

The use of heat, massage, acupuncture, mindfulness-based stress reduction, tai chi or yoga, and low-level laser therapy can also be beneficial for both back-specific and overall function improvements as well as improvements in your overall health-related quality of life.

Did you know…

● Acute back pain is defined as lasting less than 4 weeks, subacute back pain lasts 4 to 12 weeks, and chronic back pain lasts more than 12 weeks.

● The World Health Organization supports chiropractic care and other non-invasive interventions for the treatment of acute, subacute, and especially chronic back pain.

● In addition, Harvard Health, The Mayo Clinic, and other established healthcare organizations have published numerous articles highlighting the benefits of chiropractic and movement-based treatment options.

Next Steps:

As you may imagine, we're satisfied that so many major, trusted healthcare organizations now actively advocate for non-pharmacological ways to find relief from low back pain.

As a conservative care based practice, we believe in focusing on treating the root cause of an issue and ongoing prevention rather than treating and masking the symptoms.

We have the know-how and real-world experience to help guide you on what to do for low back pain and towards the best treatments that would benefit your unique situation.

So, if you or someone you know is struggling with back pain, and you’ve been considering seeing a low back pain chiropractor in Capac, reach out to us today.

Our team of compassionate professionals will work with you to get you the individualized treatment needed to help you find relief.

Science Sources:

Noninvasive Treatments for Low Back Pain. Ann Intern Med. 2017. Prevention and Treatment of Low Back Pain. Lancet. 2018.


Title: Supporting Expecting Families Through a Healthy Birth

Keywords: pregnancy and chiropractic care, holistic pregnancy chiropractor in Capac.

Meta-Description: Pregnancy and chiropractic care is a winning combination for natural pain relief. Here’s how a holistic pregnancy chiropractor in Capac can support your growing family for trimesters and beyond.

Supporting Expecting Families Through a Healthy Birth

Bottom Line:

With all of the advancements in medical science, it may come as a surprise to you to learn that

mother nature may very well know best when it comes to supporting a successful delivery for expecting mothers.

But when you think about it, maybe not.

After all, a woman's body is designed to support and nourish a baby, the natural delivery process is relatively simple, and it's been going on for hundreds of thousands of years!

So, what do you need to know as an expecting mother or member of an expecting family?

Read on.

Why it Matters:

In order to keep labor and birth as safe as possible, and to minimize the risk of complications, it is essential to respect the simple, natural, physiologic process of delivery.

That’s something our team knows all too well, and a big reason pregnancy and chiropractic care are suited for one another.

The use of intravenous lines, continuous monitoring, and restricted movement can increase a woman's overall stress levels which, in turn, can potentially interfere with the natural birthing process.

In other words, there are other ways to support an optimal delivery.

The World Health Organization recommends four best care practices to support a healthy birth.

Here’s a brief overview…

● The WHO recommends letting labor begin on its own, as inducing labor can increase the risk of complications.

● Next, the WHO recommends women move and change positions throughout labor to help it progress and potentially shorten the amount of time spent in labor.

● The WHO also recommends bringing in a loved one or doula for support to help both improve the birth experience and potentially reduce the likelihood of C-section.

● Finally, the WHO recommends avoiding interventions that aren't necessary such as continuous electronic monitoring which hasn't been shown to provide better outcomes for the baby and may increase the risk of C-section.

Next Steps:

Having a child is a special time for an expecting family, and no decisions should be taken lightly.

It's essential to understand and respect our body's natural ability to navigate the process.

And if you’ve been looking for a holistic pregnancy chiropractor in Capac, know that our team is here to empower our patients and their families to create the birth experience that makes sense for them.

We're proud to work with midwives, doulas, and OB-GYNs in this community to help those of you navigating pregnancy do just that through education, adjustments, massage, and more!

Pregnancy and chiropractic care go hand in hand, and our supportive team would be honored to be a part of your wellness team.

Science Source:

Safe, Healthy Birth. What Every Pregnant Woman Needs to Know. J Perinat Educ. 2009.


Title: What Expecting Families Need to Know About NSAIDs and Medications

Keywords: pregnancy and chiropractic adjustments, pregnancy chiropractor in Capac.

Meta-Description: Pregnancy and chiropractic adjustments go hand in hand, and if you’re looking for a pregnancy chiropractor in Capac who specializes in natural pain relief solutions, we can help.

What Expecting Families Need to Know About NSAIDs and Medications

Bottom Line:

While expecting mothers may have a glow about them, they’re unfortunately no less immune to body aches and pains than the rest of us.

In fact, it's estimated that over 85% of women will deal with back pain at some point during and likely after their pregnancy.

And if there’s one thing we’ve learned in years of treating pregnant patients, it’s that finding relief without the use of over-the-counter and prescription medications is possible - and absolutely probable.

Here’s a quick overview of what your expecting family should know about pregnancy and medications and pregnancy and chiropractic adjustments.

Why it Matters:

It’s likely that you or an expecting mother you know have had their doctor caution that no medications should be taken without checking with them first.

It’s no secret that all medications come with some level of side effects, and these are often heightened during pregnancy.

Some medicines aren’t safe to take when a woman is pregnant, even those that are available over-the-counter.

For example, there have been preliminary studies that suggest over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen and other common NSAIDs may increase the risk of health challenges in newborns such as asthma and gastrointestinal problems, respectively.

The good news is that there is good news on this front.

Pregnancy and chiropractic adjustments go hand in hand’

The low back and other pregnancy-related pains that women often experience during pregnancy can usually be relieved with spinal adjustments.

To recap a few of the key points here…

● NSAIDs cross from mother to baby easily through the placenta and can influence the production of prostaglandins.

● Recent studies suggest that taking NSAIDs can increase the risks of asthma and hypertension in newborns.

● Chiropractic care is a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to manage pregnancy-related aches and pains.

Next Steps:

Yes, talking to your doctor about medication use before becoming pregnant is a smart idea.

And if you or a loved one close to you anticipates becoming pregnant, it's smart to be proactive with your health and explore natural ways to stay active and pain-free during your pregnancy.

As a trusted pregnancy chiropractor in Capac who specializes in natural pain relief solutions, we can help.

Whether you’re ready to come in and start receiving chiropractic care or you’d like to stop in to get your questions answered, our expert team is just a phone call away.

We’d be honored to serve you and yours for trimesters and years to come!

Science Source:

Use of NSAIDs During Pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018. NSAID Use During Pregnancy. Pharmacy Today. 2001.

October - WEEK 2

Why Expecting Families May Want a Chiropractor on Their Wellness Team

 If you’re wondering how chiropractic can help with pregnancy pain or looking for a chiropractor who treats pregnancy back pain in Capac, you’ve come to the right place!

Bottom Line:

Did you know it's been estimated that over 85% of women experience back pain during pregnancy?

If that number caught you by surprise, here’s another question for you.

Did you know that as an expecting mother enters her second and third trimesters, their baby is pulling their center of gravity forward which causes the curve of their low back to increase?

Now that number is probably making more if not absolute sense.

We know that most expecting mothers will experience some level of increased stress on their low back, and that increased stress often leads to back aches and pain

So, what pain relief options are available for treating these pregnancy related pains?

Read on (especially if you’ve been looking for a chiropractor who treats pregnancy back pain in Capac).

Why it Matters:

We have one last question for you to bring this full circle.

Did you know that spinal adjustments are considered a highly safe, effective, and evidence-based option for the care of pregnancy related aches and pains?

Odds are you did, and that’s why you’re here - to learn how chiropractic can help with pregnancy pain.

We can confirm, you’ve come to the right place.

What’s more is that in addition to gentle and non-invasive adjustments, chiropractors have the know-how to provide personalized pregnancy stage and condition specific exercise and stretching recommendations to help mothers successfully manage their pain.

And get this.

A recent study found that patients who received care from their OB-GYN and chiropractor had greater reductions in pain and improved quality of life than those who only saw an OB-GYN.

Here are some key points to remember as you consider chiropractic care…

● It's estimated that 92% of women are advised by their doctor to exercise while pregnant.

● Choosing the right pillows and finding the best stretches can dramatically reduce neck and mid-back pain during pregnancy.

● The mechanical low back pain that women experience during pregnancy can often be relieved with spinal adjustments.

Next Steps:

We’ve got one last key statistic to share regarding how chiropractic can help with pregnancy pain.

It’s estimated that nearly 90% of women report having a high level of satisfaction with chiropractic during pregnancy.

It's no wonder that chiropractic is one of the most popular healthcare choices for expecting moms!

So, if reducing your stress, staying physically active, and reducing aches and pains interests you or an expecting mother close to you, then you'll want to consider having a chiropractor as a part of your growing family’s birth team.

Our expert team is standing by, and we’d be honored to serve you.

Science Source:

Optimizing Pain Relief During Pregnancy. Canadian Family Physician. 2013.

October - WEEK 1

 Key Ways Expecting Families Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Meta-Description: Curious about the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy? Looking for pregnancy chiropractic care in Almont? You’re not alone. Here’s what you need to know.

Bottom Line:

A woman's body undergoes many transformations during and after months of pregnancy.

Some of these changes are easily recognized, such as an expanding abdomen and episodes of morning sickness, while others less well known.

In fact, some common physiological changes can catch expecting mothers by surprise.

Why it Matters:

Before we dive into those changes, let’s start with the basics.

Throughout a woman’s pregnancy, the hormone relaxin is produced to help loosen the joints and ligaments of the pelvis in order to prepare the body for delivery.

And while relaxin relaxes (hence the name) the ligaments in and around the pelvis, it also does the same to other joints and ligaments all over the body.

This is one reason expecting mothers tend to develop back pain or sciatica symptoms (pain that starts in the back and then travels down the leg and into the foot).

It’s probably another reason you’ve been researching the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy you’ve heard about.

And all the while a baby continues to develop and grow, and that beautiful baby is pulling the pregnant woman’s center of gravity forward.

So, at any point during and after a pregnancy, that woman’s biomechanics, balance, and posture are in a constant state of flux, and these changes can place a lot of stress on the supporting structures and muscles in the low back.

Let’s recap…

● Relaxin is a hormone produced during pregnancy to relax the joints and ligaments to prepare the pelvis for birth.

● Relaxin also causes the other joints and ligaments of the body to "loosen" which can cause changes in a woman's normal movement patterns.

● These altered movement patterns can often lead to low back pain and other joint pains throughout pregnancy and after.

If pregnancy is a part of your life in some way, know this. Taking steps to prevent and treat back pain can help reduce the risk of injury and the chances of developing long-term back pain.

That's where we come in.

Chiropractic is a safe and all-natural option for the care of back pain before, during, and after pregnancy, and our entire team is here for you.

Next Steps:

Pregnancy is both a special time in a woman’s life and a unique time for their body.

The changes that help facilitate a successful delivery can also wreak havoc on that mother’s back and joints.

So, if you or someone you know is experiencing pregnancy related back aches and pains and looking for natural and non-invasive pregnancy chiropractic care in Capac, give us a call.

Whether you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy, we’d be honored to help.

We’re also happy to work with your expecting family’s birth team to provide the safest and most effective care to keep everyone active and feeling their best throughout all three trimesters and beyond!

Science Source:

Back Pain in Pregnancy. University of Rochester Medical Center. 2022.

Sept  - WEEK 4

Beyond the Pill: Non-Opioid Care for Chronic Pain

 Yes, opioid alternatives for pain management do exist! Read on to learn how our holistic pain management clinic in Capac can help you.

Bottom Line:

If you're dealing with chronic pain, now is the time to tackle it naturally.

But how do you deal with chronic pain without using opioid pain medication?

Are opioid alternatives for pain management actually effective?

Allow us to answer that with a resounding YES!

One of the problems with pain medications is that they only treat the symptoms - they aren't doing a thing to resolve the source of your pain.

If you are looking for a long-term solution, the cause needs to be addressed.

Altered biomechanics, or movement patterns, tend to be a common issue for many people dealing with chronic spine pain.

Why It Matters:

To get things moving on the path towards relief, we have found a lot of success with a plan that typically encourages a couple of core components.

First, we incorporate whole body movement with daily exercise.

It may seem impossible to get out and get active when you're dealing with chronic pain, but it may help you see some relief from your symptoms! For example, if you're dealing with chronic back pain, regular walks can help relieve the stiffness and soreness of back pain.

Next, we add specific, targeted chiropractic adjustments.

Chiropractors are an excellent resource for anyone who is dealing with chronic pain.

New research has shown chiropractic care is at least as effective at relieving pain as many medications, without the risks or dangers associated with drugs.

The likelihood of filling an opioid prescription is reduced by over 50% for people who see a chiropractor.

Next Steps:

You don't need to keep struggling with chronic pain.

Researchers have found that chiropractic care and targeted active exercise can effectively address the cause of your pain to best reduce your symptoms.

If you or someone you know has struggled with chronic pain, please reach out to us at our holistic pain management clinic in Capac today.

Our expert team is standing by to help provide you with options for relief that don't include the dangerous medications that have created the current opioid epidemic.

Science Sources:

Chiropractic for Treatment of Low Back Pain. JMPT. 2018. Understanding the Opioid Overdose Epidemic. CDC. 2022. Impact of Chiropractic on Use of Opioids. Pain Med. 2020.

Sept - WEEK 3

 Finding relief from pain doesn’t mean you’re limited to opiates vs. opioids. Take it from the leading drug-free pain management clinic in Capac.

Opiates vs. Opioids: What’s the Difference?

Bottom Line:

Opiates vs. opioids - while they come from different sources, they are similar in a very specific way.

Both opioids and opiates have caused millions of people looking for pain relief to enter a cycle of addiction.

And the truth is that many of the people who are currently addicted to opioids weren’t recreational drug users looking for their next high…

They were people who were prescribed these drugs by their doctors to treat their chronic pain.

Why it Matters:

To understand more about how this addiction epidemic happened, it's helps to understand the differences between opioids and opiates.

Opiates describe drugs derived from the flowering opium poppy plant.

Morphine is an example of an opiate.

These drugs have been linked to physical dependence, increased tolerance, and addiction.

Opioids are synthetic or made in a lab.

When opioid receptors in the brain become activated, they produce feelings of pleasure and pain (all opioid drugs act on these receptors).

Some are up to 50 times more powerful than heroin.

It goes without saying that these drugs are highly addictive and dangerous.

Opioid drugs used to treat pain include oxycodone and hydrocodone.

Oxycodone exhibits the highest risk of abuse and poses the most significant dangers.

It affects the nervous system in the same way as heroin.

Next Steps:

Current medical guidelines no longer recommend the use of opioids for most spinal pain.

If you're struggling with pain, movement-based care, like chiropractic, is often the best way to accelerate the healing process and put yourself in a position for long-term relief.

Both the research and results we’ve seen at our drug-free pain management clinic Capac don’t lie.

Call us today if you want to explore a relief path that doesn't include medications.

Science Sources:

Chiropractic for Treatment of Low Back Pain. JMPT. 2018. Understanding the Opioid Overdose Epidemic. CDC. 2022.

Sept - WEEK 2

The Chronic Pain Crisis is the Opioid Crisis

What is the opioid crisis and how can you stay safe? Here’s what we want you to know as the top pain chiropractor in Capac.

The Chronic Pain Crisis is the Opioid Crisis

Bottom Line:

For decades, opioids were marketed as a "safer" alternative to treat chronic pain.

And as the number of people seeking care for chronic pain began to rise, so did the number of people filling prescriptions for highly addictive opioids.

If you’ve ever wondered “What is the opioid crisis?” - that’s the simple answer.

However, what many don’t realize is that what we currently refer to as the opioid crisis started as a chronic pain epidemic.

Why it Matters:

Over the past few years, major healthcare agencies have recognized that non-pharmacological approaches should be the first line of care to manage chronic pain.

The best way to combat the opioid crisis is to focus on non-pharmacological solutions to the chronic pain epidemic.

And recent studies have indicated that there are more than a few reasons to be hopeful.

These studies have shown that non-drug treatment options, such as chiropractic, can be very effective at helping people reduce the development and recurrence of chronic pain.

Even study participants with severe chronic pain reported experiencing significant benefits from the chiropractic care they received.

Next Steps:

While we can't undo the damage that has been done, we can learn from the past.

This recent and unprecedented shift to a primarily non-pharmacological based approach to pain management is a start.

And if you’ve been looking for a pain chiropractor in Capac, look no further.

Our practice is proud to partner with other healthcare providers who support a natural approach to pain management.

We’ll work together to overcome your chronic pain without the dangerous side effects and addiction issues others have experienced with opioid medications.

Science Sources:

Prevalence of Chronic Low Back Pain. Rev Saude Publica. 2015. Chiropractic for Low-Back Pain. J Altern Complement Med. 2008.

Sept - WEEK 1

The Opioid Crisis: How Did We End Up Here?

Many of the people who contacted us looking for a natural pain doctor in Capac did so after Googling ‘How did the opioid crisis start?” Here’s why.

Bottom Line:

If you make it a habit to watch the news, you’ve probably wondered on more than one occasion “How did the opioid crisis start?”

Well, the answer might surprise you.

About 30 years ago, there was a fundamental shift in medicine regarding how pain was understood and treated.

The number of people with chronic pain seemed to be rising, and it was thought that the options to address the pain weren't adequate.

Why it Matters:

As doctors paid more attention to assessing pain, they also paid more attention to treating pain.

Enter opioids.

Opioid medications began to be prescribed more and more frequently for chronic low back or neck pain.

Surprisingly, up until then, opioids were only prescribed for severe pain after surgery or advanced-stage cancer.

But that all changed in the early 1990’s.

New opioids formulas were promoted as being less addictive, and physicians were encouraged to prescribe these drugs far more liberally than before, including for the care of chronic pain.

Prescribing these drugs very quickly created and exposed a number of problems.

Healthcare professionals noted how rapidly patients adapted to the drugs, meaning larger and larger doses had to be prescribed to sustain those promised pain suppressing effects as time went on.

That, of course, indicated these drugs weren't very effective at addressing chronic pain.

They provided short-term relief, but they seemed to become less useful for many people as time went on.

What’s more, the euphoric feelings often associated with these drugs put it’s users at a high risk for addiction.

Next Steps:

Now, some 30-odd years later, we are witnessing an opioid crisis.

If there is a silver lining to be found, we as a collective now realize that the answers and treatment of chronic pain are rarely found in a bottle.

Many leading healthcare organizations are now recommending non-pharmacological approaches to treating chronic pain including chiropractic.

If you would like to explore a drug-free approach to pain relief, schedule an appointment with us today.

As the leading natural pain doctor in Capac, we have the tools and know how you’ve been looking for.

Our doors are always open, and we’re here to help!

Science Source:

Understanding the Epidemic. CDC. 2021.

Aug - WEEK  5

Organic Healthcare: No Prescription Necessary

Holistic chiropractor, holistic healthcare in Capac

Organic Healthcare: No Prescription Necessary

Bottom Line:

Did you know that chiropractors and holistic chiropractors are one and the same?

The term chiropractic comes from the Greek words cheir (hands) and praxis (practice).

It literally means "done by hand," and chiropractic is among the most popular health treatments sought by those seeking holistic healthcare in Capac.

Since the beginning, chiropractors have been focused on helping the body heal itself naturally without the use of prescription medications or invasive surgeries.

In some ways, chiropractors were the world's first 'organic" health professionals!

And while modern chiropractic began way back in 1895, many people still don’t exactly understand how chiropractic care works… or when it makes sense to see a chiropractor.

Let’s start with the basics.

Why it Matters:

If you've been living with aches and pain, it's often connected to distorted movement patterns that affect your neuromusculoskeletal system - your brain, nerves, muscles, bones, joints, cartilage, tendons, etc.

And those abnormal movement patterns can happen for a variety of reasons that range from long hours at a computer and repetitive stress to sudden injuries.

Correcting those abnormal movement patterns with gentle, safe, effective, and non-invasive treatments is where chiropractors shine and why you shouldn’t hesitate to seek holistic healthcare in Capac from a chiropractor if you’re in pain.

For many, a few targeted adjustments to the affected joints can help reset any distorted movement patterns which in turn can make a significant impact on their overall pain levels, mobility, and well-being.

In one recent study, researchers observed a measurable improvement in the biomechanical and functional performance in low back pain patients immediately following adjustments.

Participants were able to both move and complete tasks more efficiently and freely and with less pain.

In yet another study, researchers found that chiropractic care was associated with significant improvements in health-related quality of life over time, especially in pain.

Chiropractic Care is Holistic Healthcare

It’s important to point out that chiropractors - aka, holistic chiropractors - follow a whole person approach.

It’s not all about the adjustment.

For example, chiropractors perform a comprehensive history and examination during your first appointment.

This helps us determine what may be the result of any spinal issues and it also gives us the important information we need to advise you about simple lifestyle changes that have the potential to help you find lasting relief from other symptoms and boost the results of your care.

Let’s take a moment to recap…

● Abnormal movement patterns, chronic stress, and an inflammatory diet can often cause aches and pains in your spine and joints.

● Our care plans are designed to help you reach your health goals as quickly as possible.

● Adjusting the joints of your body can both help to decrease your pain and increase your functional ability.

Next Steps:

Many of our patients made the decision to contact a holistic chiropractor because their health goals are focused on staying active and pain-free, naturally.

If that sounds like you and you've been curious about your holistic healthcare options in Capac, call us today!

Chiropractors use several safe, non-invasive, non-pharmacological treatments including lifestyle education, adjustments, massage, and even exercises to help you get and stay well.

And you can rest assured that our care plan recommendations will be based on both our findings and your personal health goals.

We work together with you, from identifying and addressing the cause of your symptoms to finding practical, natural long-term resolutions.

We’re here for you, so don’t hesitate to give us a call to get started today!

Science Source:

Does Manual Therapy Affect Biomechanical Outcomes? Chiropr Man Therapies. 2020. Quality of Life in Chiropractic Patients with Low Back or Neck Pain. Spine. 2019.

August - WEEK 4

Your Body is Designed to Move

Movement is medicine. Visit our clinic to get your functional movement test in Capac to ensure you're able to enjoy the many benefits of movement.

Your Body is Designed to Move

Bottom Line:

Your body is built to move and the benefits of movement for your body are immeasurable.

Every spinal disc and every individual joint was designed to help you sit, stand, run, and do everything in between.

That's a big part of why we provide functional movement tests in Capac - to help ensure every part of your body is moving the way it was designed to so you can feel and function your best for as long as possible.

Really, think about it...

Your discs are soft enough to allow you to flex and bend in every direction.

Your facet joints slide and glide in concert with one another so you can turn, twist, and extend.

Your vertebrae are connected by ligaments that support you as your push and pull.

Maintaining all those moving parts is important.

Your body is an incredibly strong, complex, and resilient system that both powers and is itself powered by movement and the benefits of movement.

In other words, motion is life and movement is medicine.

Here’s why.

Why it Matters:

Recent research has given us a glimpse at just how important movement is in our life.

For instance, it’s been observed that one of the benefits of movement of the spine is that it can stimulate and accelerate the body’s healing process, yet another reason that scheduling a functional movement test in Capac is so important if you're not moving as well as you once did.

In fact, movement is so crucial to the body’s healing process that even people who have spine surgery are encouraged to get up and move as quickly as possible after surgery!

Here’s how it all breaks down:

● All of the bones, muscles, ligaments, and joints of your spine are designed to support daily movement.

● Blood flow, strength, and flexibility are all enhanced through movement.

● Movement of the individual segments of your spine can also affect how you heal.

It’s been said, "you don't get old then stiff, you get stiff then old."

Take it from us, that’s the truth!

Functional Movement Tests, Chiropractic Care, and the Benefits of Movement

As you may have guessed, as chiropractors we believe in the innate ability of the body to heal itself and the very real benefits of movement, so we’ve been trained to work with just about every joint in your body in addition to those in the spine.

Adjustments are just one of the non-invasive tools we use to help get them back to moving at their best - limb by limb, joint by joint.

One of the top benefits of spinal adjustments is that they can help dramatically reduce your daily aches and pains - and that’s especially important since pain is the #1 obstacle that keeps many people from enjoying their favorite activities.

Another way adjustments can help improve your quality of life involves resetting any faulty movement patterns so that your body is working together and moving well as a whole, and that's why we perform functional movement tests in our Capac clinic.

Remember, move better, feel better!

In fact, in several studies, researchers observed that people receiving spinal adjustments reported a higher quality of life in general than those who weren’t - less pain, less down days.

To take that a step further, sport-specific performance improvements are yet another one of the fantastic benefits of movement powered by spinal adjustments.

Achieving optimal flexibility, biomechanics, range of motion, and movement are all reasons why many leading athletes get adjusted consistently as part of their training.

Whatever you do, chiropractic care can help you feel your best so you can do what you need to do and do what you love to do reliably for years to come.

Next Steps:

We believe that encouraging healthy movement and regular physical activity is a big part of our job as your wellness team.

So, if you have any questions about getting a functional movement test in Capac or other stretches, exercises, and different ways to proactively stay healthy, don’t hesitate to ask!

And be sure to follow us on social media for even more great wellness tips daily.

We want to help you leverage the benefits of movement - whether you’re young or young at heart - so you can keep your spine and body feeling, moving, and functioning at their best for as long as possible.

We also encourage you to stay proactive with your health by making sure you have your next appointment scheduled.

And if it’s your first time visiting our practice, know that from questions to functional movement tests in Capac to treatment, we’ll be here to help you every step of the way.

Science Source:

Effectiveness of Nonsurgical Treatment with Stenosis. JAMA Netw Open. 2019.

August - WEEK 3

The Brain + Spine Connection

The brain-body connection hints at the power of movement as medicine. If you've been looking for natural joint pain treatment in Capac, start here.

The Brain + Spine Connection

Bottom Line:

Odds are, you've pondered on the brain-body connection a time or two here and there, and for good reason.

Every thought and movement in your life occurs through your brain or spinal cord - commonly referred to as our central nervous system.

The spinal cord both carries nerve signals from the brain to other parts of the body and receives sensory input from the body and transmits that information back to the brain.

Your spinal column is the armor that protects your spinal cord as it travels down through your body and branches off into the nerves that power that brain-body connection.

Every moment, millions (literally, millions!) of messages are moving along your spinal cord to maintain the necessary balance between your brain and body you need to function.

Needless to say, ensuring your spine as a whole is feeling and functioning at its best is important, and we're here to help if you're looking for holistic joint pain treatment in Capac.

And here's something you may not know...

Recent research has shown that our hands-on chiropractic adjustments can positively impact the chemistry of your brain!

Read on to learn more.

Why it Matters:

Yes, chiropractic adjustments have the potential to alter the levels of different biochemical pain markers in your brain for the better.

So, what are biochemical pain markers?

When we talk about biochemical pain markers, we’re talking about chemical substances that can influence your perception of pain.

For example, let’s look at neurotensin and oxytocin in this brain-body connection.

Neurotensin is associated with pain blocking as well as the regulation of dopamine, and, similarly, oxytocin is associated with both a decreased sensitivity to pain and an improved mood.

Increased levels of each of these chemical messengers in the body can promote an overall reduction in pain.

It’s no wonder chiropractic adjustments are recommended first by many local healthcare professionals for neck, back, and joint pain treatment in Capac, Michigan.

Consider what we know…

● Your brain and body are in constant communication through your central and peripheral nervous systems.

● Increased levels of neurotensin, oxytocin, and other similar chemical substances in the body can promote an overall reduction in pain.

● Chiropractic adjustments to your neck or back have been connected to immediate increased levels of those same pain-relieving substances.

Chiropractic, the Brain-Body Connection, and Joint Pain Treatment

In recent studies, researchers observed both decreased cortisol levels and improved motor control following chiropractic adjustments (spinal manipulative therapy).

What’s more, other recent studies have also shown that chiropractic adjustments can be more effective than spinal injections for treating disc issues.

In short, for those seeking pain relief, a strong case exists for chiropractic.

The results we discussed here are a big part of why many top medical organizations now operate under a conservative care first model for the treatment of chronic pain.

Next Steps:

Over the past 100 years, scientists, doctors, and other healthcare professionals have observed and learned a lot about the brain-body connection.

In our practice, we’ve seen first-hand just how chiropractic care can strengthen the connection between your brain and body, and we've helped many people seeking non-invasive joint pain treatment in Capac feel and function better.

And considering that the spinal cord can send information to your brain at a rate of over 250 mph, it’s no surprise that those who walk through our doors leave with less stress and less pain after just a few minutes of adjusting.

Aging, healing, and your entire life experience happen through a constant concert of communication and coordination between your brain and body.

And keeping that all-important organ under your hat and everything underneath functioning at their best can help you maintain an optimal brain-body connection.

So, if you've had a hard time staying active due to pain, know that we specialize in holistic, gentle joint pain treatment in Capac Michigan, and we're here to help.

We invite you to schedule an evaluation with our compassionate team of experts today.

Together, let's get you on the road to lasting pain relief!

Science Source:

Pain Perception After Spinal Manipulation. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2014. Effects of Spine Manipulation on Pain. J Man Manip Ther. 2019. Spinal Cord Anatomy. Physiopedia. 2022.

Aug - WEEK 2

Disc Issues and Chiropractic

Has an MRI indicated that you may have lower back disc issues? Skip the injections. We provide natural treatment for disc herniations in Capac.

Disc Issues and Chiropractic

Bottom Line:

Disc herniations, bulges, protrusions, and extrusions (oh my!) are some of the most common reasons people visit a chiropractor.

In fact, most people see a chiropractor not just because they have lower back disc issues but because such conditions have caused a significant impact on their quality of life.

The good news?

You can get natural, non-invasive treatment for a herniated disc in Capac.

The research doesn't lie and backs up what we’ve witnessed for years - chiropractic care provides outstanding results for people with lower back disc issues.

Why it Matters:

A spinal disc has a soft, jellylike center encased in a tougher, rubbery exterior - referred to as the nucleus and annulus, respectively.

A herniated (or slipped or ruptured) disc happens when some of the nucleus pushes its way through the annulus, and while this can occur in any part of the spine, herniated discs are most often found in or near the low back.

And it may surprise you to know that no two patients who've come to us seeking treatment for a herniated disc in Capac are alike.

In some cases, those with lower back disc issues have no symptoms.

In other cases where a patient has been living with a herniated disc or other lumbar disc condition, they report pain, numbness, or weakness in other parts of the body.

The good news is that these symptoms tend to improve over time, and invasive intervention is not required in most cases.

That’s because your body has an incredible ability to heal without drugs or surgery - yes, even from disc herniations!

In fact, movement can be thought of as medicine for the body.

That's why our team specializes in natural treatment for disc herniations and more in Capac.

We know that there are specific chiropractic techniques that can positively influence the pressure on your spinal discs.

Chiropractic Care as a Treatment for Herniated Discs and Lower Back Disc Issues

Recent studies have also shown that conservative treatment options like chiropractic adjustments can be more effective than spinal injections for treating disc issues.

Still more studies have shown that movement, reducing intra-discal stress, and opening up the channels your nerves pass through can improve how you feel and help accelerate the healing process.

Consider that disc herniation is most often the result of a gradual, aging-related wear and tear.

As we age, our discs become less flexible and more prone to dysfunction - oftentimes, most people can't pinpoint the cause of their herniated disc.

Sometimes, lifting a heavy object with your back rather than from your legs can lead to a herniated disc; the same can happen if you don’t have the support you need to turn while lifting said object.

It’s easy to see why maintaining disc health is so important.

Making time for regular exercise, making it a point to maintain good posture, and getting screened and adjusted regularly by your favorite chiropractor are so important to ensuring the health of your spinal discs.

● Exercise helps stretch and strengthen the muscles that stabilize and support the spine.

● Practicing proper posture also helps reduce excess pressure on your spinal discs.

● Chiropractic adjustments help maintain proper motion of the spine as a whole.

Remember, your body has an incredible ability to heal itself, and that’s what we’re here to help you with, especially if you've been looking for an alternative or more holistic treatment for a disc herniation in Capac.

Next Steps:

We’ve said it once, and we’ll say it again - chiropractic care provides outstanding results for people with lower back disc issues.

As you just read, recent studies have shown that people with disc herniations have reported experiencing better, longer-lasting pain relief with chiropractic adjustments versus injections.

So, know that if you have received an MRI that indicates you might be living with some lower back disc issues, it certainly does NOT automatically mean that surgery or injections are your only options.

Give us a call today to discover a natural way to find relief.

Our doors are open, we specialize in natural, non-invasive treatment for herniated discs in Capac, and we’re here to help!

Science Source:

Herniated Disk. Mayo Clinic. 2022. Herniation Patients Treated with Spinal Therapy. JMPT. 2013.

Aug - WEEK 1

Facet Joints: Gliding Your Way to Better Health

Low back pain and lumbar facet joint pain tend to go hand in hand. So, if you think you might need facet joint pain treatment in Capac, start here.

Bottom Line:

If you've had neck or back pain that you could pinpoint with your finger or felt a sharp pain in your back when moving, the cause may have been some sort of dysfunction with one or more of the facet joints (often the lumbar facet joints) of your spine.

So, what are the facet joints?

Think of these joints as the “knuckles” of your spine that glide, slide, and stabilize.

They both add flexibility to your spine so you’re able to bend and twist your back and also help to keep you from “over doing” any of those motions (i.e., hyperextending or hyper flexing).

Needless to say, ensuring your facet joints are functioning at their best is important to making sure you're able to move freely, and if you think you might need facet joint pain treatment in Capac, you've come to the right place!

Here’s what you should know.

Why it Matters:

As we age, our spinal discs also age, and it’s our facet joints - often our lumbar facet joints - that take on the extra load.

And, as you may have guessed, this excess stress and pressure can wear them down.

This can lead to the development of adhesions, bone spurs, and pain that can all limit our ability to move freely.

The good news? Targeted spinal adjustments can help break up adhesions in and around your lumbar facet joints, cervical facet joints, and the other joints in your spine to help reduce pain and restore proper motion.

That's why our team specializes in facet joint pain treatment in Capac.

To recap, here’s what we know…

● The facet joints of your spine slide and glide to allow you to bend and twist your body.

● As we age, adhesions can develop in our facet joints that restrict how well we move.

● Adjustments help break up adhesions surrounding the facets so you can once again move freely and with less pain.

Chiropractic Care for Lumbar Facet Joint Pain Treatment

There’s a wide range of research supporting the use of chiropractic care for the management of adhesions and pain related to the lumbar facet joints and understanding the results of those studies can help you decide if facet joint pain treatment in Capac may be right for you.

For your reference, here’s some basic terminology you’ll find helpful when reviewing any such studies:

● The facet joints are also referred to as “Z” (zygapophyseal) joints.

● Chiropractic care / adjustments is also referred to as SMT (spinal manipulative therapy).

● The term “gapping” refers to the physical manipulation or mobilization of the joints.

In one recent study, researchers set out to understand the effects spinal manipulative therapy and specifically gapping of the “Z” joints can have on the adhesions and pain in the lower back.

In other words, they wanted to understand the effects chiropractic adjustments can have on adhesions surrounding the lumbar facet joints and any related low back pain to help evaluate its effectiveness as a facet joint pain treatment option.

And as it turns out, they did in fact observe that study participants reported both a reduction in pain and a reduction in restricted movement after receiving chiropractic care.

We've observed the same in those patients receiving facet joint pain treatment in Capac at our clinic.

Such results demonstrate why conservative care like chiropractic is recommended as first-line therapy to treat low back and pain related to the facet joints.

Next Steps:

The facet joints of your spine - whether we’re talking about the cervical facet joints or lumbar facet joints - crave movement.

Movement is medicine, after all!

Movement helps the facet joints stay healthy and may even help slow down the effects of aging.

Spinal adjustments have been shown to reduce adhesions in these joints and others so you can move more freely and with less pain.

When you move better, you feel better, and we're proud to be a part of the healthcare team that helps you stay active.

So, if you’ve been living with back pain and you're nearby, know we're here to provide the best facet joint pain treatment in Capac, and our compassionate team is just a phone call away.

Science Source:

Facet Joints. Physiopedia. 2022. Joint Changes Following Spinal Manipulation. JMPT. 2013.

WEEK 4 - July

Relieving Migraine Headaches

Yes! Take it from the leading chiropractic migraine specialist in Capac - relieving migraine headaches naturally without risky medications is possible!

Relieving Migraine Headaches

The Bottom Line

Few things can ruin your day as much as a headache.

Relieving migraine headaches in particular can feel impossible.

They can seemingly appear out of nowhere, though they may hint at their arrival with two other heavy hitters: visual discomfort and nausea.

Whatever the symptoms, a migraine is one visitor you don't want sticking around.

Why it Matters

Take it from the leading chiropractic migraine specialist in Capac - knowing when a migraine is starting and understanding what matters when it comes to preventing and relieving migraine headaches is critical to improving your quality of life.

Let's take a look at the four phases of a migraine headache.

Four Phases of Migraine

There are typically four phases of a migraine that many sufferers will experience:


This phase is usually the warning that a migraine is coming on. Many people will experience mood swings, neck stiffness, and constipation.


About 1 in 4 people who suffer from migraines will get an aura.

Migraine sufferers often report visual or sensory auras in the minutes before the actual headache. Visual auras can result in flashing lights and blurred vision, whereas sensory auras affect speech and the ability to think clearly.

Vision problems usually start 20 minutes to an hour before the headache. Even if you don't get an aura, the headache itself may cause vision trouble.


A migraine headache can be moderate or severe and is likely to occur on only one side of the head. Migraine sufferers will notice that their headaches worsen with physical activity, so rest is critical..


The final phase in the migraine cycle is the postdrome. This occurs once the headache ends and leaves the afflicted person feeling exhausted.

Treatment Options for Relieving Migraine Headaches

Many migraine headache sufferers do not receive effective care.

For example, in the United States of America and the United Kingdom, it's estimated that only half of chronic migraine sufferers seek the help of a healthcare professional, despite the often significantly disruptive symptoms.

These include:

● Throbbing headaches of moderate to severe intensity on one side of the head.

● The appearance of nausea and vision changes.

● Recurring episodes can last anywhere from hours to days.

Most are solely reliant on over-the-counter medications even though there are no surefire options that exist for relieving migraine headaches.

Similarly, it's estimated that half of the people who experience chronic or occasional headaches will fall back on attempting to self-treat with over-the-counter pain medications despite the increased risk of experiencing rebound headaches that can happen as a result of overuse.

When it comes to migraines, this risk here is associated most with aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine combinations.

Of course, based on the symptoms and stages characteristic of most migraines, it's easy to see why many people aren't aware that there are non-pharmacological ways to manage their attacks.

Many of our local migraine patients who come in often relay this as a reason they waited so long to find a chiropractic migraine specialist in Capac.

Trust us, when the first time the headache comes back is reason enough to see a healthcare professional.

Just like with cervicogenic and tension headaches, it is possible to lessen the frequency, intensity, and severity of your migraines with a combination of lifestyle changes and chiropractic care.

While the cause of migraines is unclear, there are specific triggers that are often attributed to their onset.

Knowing what those triggers are and making proactive changes to any daily habits that may be associated with those triggers is crucially important to finding lasting relief from migraine headaches.

And, in one recent study, researchers observed a significant reduction in migraine days for those participants receiving chiropractic care.

Next Steps

The good news is that you can start effectively relieving migraine headaches by being proactive with your daily habits.

You know now that making time for periodic chiropractic care is an important step in finding relief from migraine pain, so don't skip that next (or first!) adjustment.

If you're looking for a chiropractic migraine specialist in Capac, our doors are open and we're ready to help you find relief!

What about those triggers we mentioned?

Here are some of the most common:

● Consumption of alcoholic or caffeinated drinks and tobacco

● Periods of stress

● Exposure to intense lights or smells

● Periods of intense physical exertion

● Changes to sleeping or eating habits

● Certain medications

● Consumption of aged, salty, or processed foods and certain food additives

Migraine sufferers do well with preventive measures such as diet changes or taking steps to reduce stress.

If you need help determining which triggers are contributing to your headaches, don't hesitate to ask us during your next appointment.

To ensure you're on the right path and headed toward lasting relief from your migraines, it's wise to connect with a healthcare professional.

“Doctor Google” isn't really a doctor after all!

Our compassionate team has personally dealt with our own share of migraine headaches, and we're here for you!

From lifestyle optimization advice to chiropractic adjustments and beyond, let us help you put those migraines in the rear view mirror.

Science Sources

Chiropractic Therapy for Migraine. Eur J Neurol. 2017. Headache Disorders. WHO. 2016. What is a Migraine? Web MD. 2020.


The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Daily Headaches

Curious about chiropractic care for daily headaches? Looking for a chiropractor specializing in headaches in Capac? You've come to the right place!

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Daily Headaches

The Bottom Line

Half of the world's adult population struggles with headaches at least once a year.

And while headaches can seem like no big deal most of the time, they also cause very real pain that affects your quality of life.

We've talked to a number of patients who regularly put off seeing a chiropractor specializing in headaches in Capac to help them find relief because so many of us write off headaches as just another part of life.

But, why learn to live with daily headaches when you can ease them away, naturally?

Read on to learn about the very real benefits of chiropractic care for daily headaches.

Why it Matters

If you're here, it's probably no secret to you that a quick visit to a chiropractor can provide you with the care you need to find actual relief from head, neck, or back pain.

Headaches are among the primary reasons many people in many different countries worldwide see a chiropractor.

Most people think of a visit to the chiropractor when their head, neck, or back hurts for good reason.

We can help you find lasting relief from your headaches in a variety of ways (especially if you're looking for a chiropractor specializing in headaches in Capac).

Here's a quick overview of the top 3 reasons you can benefit from chiropractic care for daily headaches.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Relieve Headaches

1. We Follow a Whole Person Approach

We will perform a comprehensive history and examination during your initial assessment. This assessment will help us first determine if your symptoms are the result of any spinal issues. We'll also rule out other possible causes of your headaches.

Your history and examination can help us identify your headache triggers so we can advise you about the lifestyle changes you need to find relief as part of your chiropractic care for daily headaches.

For example, the foods you eat can contribute to your risk of experiencing frequent headaches.

2. We Administer Person Specific Chiropractic Adjustments and Care

Recent studies have shown that chiropractic care can help improve headache pain.

Let's look at cervicogenic headaches as an example. A cervicogenic headache is referred pain in the head from the neck. It's what we call a secondary headache because it's caused by another physical issue in the body.

Researchers studying the efficacy of chiropractic treatment for the care of these headaches have presented findings supporting the use of adjustments to lessen their intensity, frequency, and duration. In other studies, chiropractic adjustments were found to provide more relief than deep massage.

In still other studies, chiropractic care has proven to be helpful for the management of chronic migraines.

In an age where medication overuse is frequent, the effectiveness of chiropractic care for daily headaches is exciting news that more people need to know.

Relying too much on medications to mask your symptoms means that many people may never treat the root cause of their headaches.

Those same people also become more at risk for experiencing medication rebound headaches - yes, you read that right. Medication overuse will almost certainly lead to more headaches.

Chiropractors use a number of safe, non-invasive, non-pharmacological treatments for headaches. These include lifestyle education, manual or device-assisted spinal adjustments, spinal mobilization, heat/ice, massage, advanced soft-tissue therapies, and even strengthening and conditioning exercises as you'll see next.

Most people are familiar with the hands-on aspect of chiropractic care for daily headaches, and our clinicians are highly trained in performing gentle and effective spinal adjustments. This training allows us to use our hands to apply a small force to a specific spinal joint. When the force is applied, you might hear a slight pop, and some people feel immediate relief!

3. We Give Guidance That Includes Therapeutic Exercises

As we just noted, yes, chiropractors often incorporate strengthening and conditioning exercises into their patients' care plans.

We want you to find lasting relief after all, and movement goes a long way!

Deep neck flexion exercises are great for treating the cervicogenic headaches we covered above.

Other active care techniques and exercises are another component of chiropractic care for daily headaches that can be performed from the comfort of your own home to help you ease your headaches between your appointments.

Next Steps:

It's time to bring an end to that throbbing in your head, and we're here to help!

You don't need to continue to live in pain.

The benefits of chiropractic care for daily headaches are real.

Movement is a critical part of the healing process, which is why spinal adjustments are so effective and seeing a chiropractor specializing in headaches in Capac 

is so important - yes, we're talking to you neighbor!

If it's been some time since your last adjustment or you're ready for your first, give us a call.

Our team will be with you every step of the way on your road to headache relief!

Science Sources:

Headache Disorders. WHO. 2016. Chiropractic Therapy for Headache. BMC Res Notes.2017. Chiropractic Treatment of Headaches. JMPT. 2011. Spinal Manipulation for Chronic Headache. Spine J. 2010.

WEEK 2 - July

The Link between Stress and Headaches

Are you too familiar with stress and headaches? Our expert team specializes in natural tension headache treatment in Capac, and we're here to help!

The Link Between Stress and Headaches

The Bottom Line

Are you feeling rushed? Are you dreading a big meeting at work?

Take it from the leading provider of natural tension headache treatment in Capac - these events can all add up to stress and headaches.

Often it's not the event itself that results in a headache but your body's reaction to stress.

If you deal with stress by clenching your jaw or tensing your muscles, you may be more likely to experience headaches due to these coping behaviors.

So, why does this happen and what can be done about the stress and headaches cycle? Read on.

Why it Matters

Way back when, our bodies evolved our fight or flight response for the purpose of making sure we would be adequately prepared to deal with any of the physical dangers we very realistically could have encountered on a daily basis.

As a result, our heart and breathing rate, blood pressure, and blood flow to our extremities all increase during such an event. It's this fight or flight response that allowed us to effectively prepare for battle or to flee from predators in the wild.

Of course, we're still hardwired with this very useful and necessary instinct, but times certainly have changed! Today, our bodies find it more difficult to differentiate between physical danger and psychological stress. We may react to that dreaded big meeting at work with the same internal reactions as if we were being chased by someone or something!

So, how does all this relate to headaches?

If there's one thing you should understand about stress, it's that it can and often will worsen your symptoms when you're not feeling well.

There is a very real link between all kinds of stress and headaches.

Episodic headaches, or those that occur sporadically, are often triggered by isolated, stressful incidents.

A few of the most common everyday stress triggers include anxiety, poor sleep habits, or significant life changes.

Chronic headaches are often triggered by daily, constant stress and a lack of regular exercise.

To help you combat this cycle of stress and headaches, we've compiled a list of some of our top tips for reducing stress so you can reduce your headaches.

Tips for Reducing Stress and Headaches

Exercise More

Regular exercise boosts endorphins, which help put you in a better mood.

Making time to get up, get out, and get moving regularly also helps boost your overall energy levels so you can shift your focus away from whatever event or string of events is stressing you out.

Get Some Sleep

We repeat: get some sleep to turn the dial down on stress and headaches.

When you can, aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night and do your best to keep your sleep schedule consistent.

Falling asleep at the same time every night and getting up at the same time each morning will help you fall into a healthy sleep pattern.

Recent studies indicate that our sleeping habits can contribute to our risk of experiencing headaches, particularly migraines.

In fact, the majority of people living with chronic migraines and other chronic types of headaches often also experience some level of insomnia.


This is more than just a mantra when it comes to reducing stress and headaches, ladies and gentlemen.

It's important to set aside time to specifically practice relaxation techniques that can help you feel calm during periods of high stress.

Meditation and yoga are two techniques that can help you feel both physically and mentally relaxed so you can mitigate the onset of stress.

See a Chiropractor

Keeping your spinal joints moving correctly can help reduce the strain on your spine and its supporting muscles.

Chiropractic care can help you relieve pent-up stress in your body and get you feeling better quickly.

So, come see us for natural tension headache treatment in Capac.

Tension headaches are triggered when the neck and scalp muscles become tense or contract, and this often occurs when we hold our heads in one position for an extended period of time. Many people spend their days working at a desk, and doing so for hours on end usually results in an uptick in tension headaches. Sleeping with your neck in an awkward position may also trigger a tension headache.

Recent studies have shown that chiropractic care can help headache patients find lasting relief.

Chiropractic adjustments to specific joints in the neck, upper body, back, and other extremities can help correct the physical imbalances behind those tension headaches so you not only move better but feel better.

Next Steps

So, can stress cause headaches? Yes.

While there is a link between stress and headaches, now you know there are very simple, real ways you can combat this cycle.

Remember, when you feel your stress levels starting to rise, take a moment to practice your favorite relaxation techniques.

Make time for essential preventative self-care like daily exercise, balanced meals, and balanced sleep.

And be sure to periodically schedule visits with your favorite chiropractic team.

If you're interested in natural tension headache treatment in Capac, we'd love to help you!

Our expert team will work together with you to keep your body relaxed and moving well to help you find lasting relief from stress and headaches.

Science Sources: Sleep and Migraine. Headache. 2018. Manual Therapy Effect on Tension Headache. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2016. How Does Stress Impact the Body? Forbes. 2018. Tension Headache. MedlinePlus. 2019.

WEEK 1 - July 

 What Type of Headache Do You Have?

We've seen it all at our chiropractic headache clinic in Capac. No matter what types of headaches our neighbors come in with, real relief starts here!

What Type of Headache Do You Have?

The Bottom Line

Headaches are experienced a little bit differently by everyone. Patients at our chiropractic headache clinic in Capac may report feeling tired or that they're dealing with some blurred vision or that they have a chronically stiff neck - you name it. Often, they find themselves unable to function for the day because of their headaches.

But, while the symptoms may vary, all types of headaches have one thing in common — they are not "normal" to deal with frequently.

If you've been doing your best to live with recurring headaches, it's time to figure out the type or types of headaches you’re dealing with.

Why it Matters

As you probably know all too well, there are many different types of headaches.

Knowing which one you have is the first step toward finding relief and the best way to do that is to consult with a healthcare professional.

And if you've been looking for a chiropractic headache clinic in Capac, you've come to the right place.

Our doors are open and we're here to help.

Here's an overview of the most common types of headaches that people from all walks of life experience.

Most Common Types of Headaches


Migraines come in all shapes and sizes. Typically you'll feel a throbbing on one side of your head.

This type of headache can be excruciating and can last up to 3 days.

You will likely feel nauseous and may be sensitive to light, sound, or smell.

Here are a few additional key facts about migraine types of headaches:

● These headaches are thought to be related to the release of inflammatory substances in the head.

● Migraine-type headaches are twice as common in women because of hormonal influences.

● Migraines often tend to pass quicker in children.

Tension Headache

Tension types of headaches are very common and affect up to 20% of the population.

They can also appear when you're experiencing a migraine.

Tension headaches usually consist of constant dull pain on both sides of the head as a result of tense or contracted neck and scalp muscles, and these types of headaches can last anywhere from a few hours to several days.

Stress, anxiety, and depression are a few common triggers of tension headaches. You could experience these types of headaches as the result of dehydration, loud noises, a lack of sleep, or even not getting enough exercise as well.

While that may seem like a long list with some potentially unavoidable triggers, the good news is that a number of them can be addressed as part of a healthy overall lifestyle.

Here are a few additional key facts about tension types of headaches:

● Tension-type headaches are the most commonly experienced headache.

● This headache is described as pressure or tightness, often like a band around the head.

● The pain associated with tension headaches can sometimes spread into or come from the neck.

Cluster Headache

Unlike migraine headaches, cluster types of headaches are usually experienced more by men than by women.

Those experiencing this type of headache generally feel an intense burning or even a piercing feeling behind or around one of their eyes.

Cluster types of headaches usually come when you least expect them and can last anywhere from approximately 15 minutes to 3 hours.

Here are a few additional key facts about cluster types of headaches:

● Cluster-type headaches affect fewer than 1 in 1000 adults and affect six men for every woman.

● Cluster headaches, while often brief, can occur up to several times a day.

● Those experiencing these types of headaches may have tearing and redness in the eye or a blocked nasal passage affected side.

Next Steps

We all deal with headaches every now and then, so we often don't perceive them as serious enough to warrant a clinic visit.

In fact, it's estimated that half of the people who deal with headaches are self-treating.

That may be why many people are not aware that there are effective headache treatment options that are natural, non-invasive, and that don't involve prescription or over-the-counter pain medications.

That may be why many of the patients we see at our chiropractic headache clinic in Capac are surprised to learn that overuse of medications intended to relieve their headaches can actually lead to more headaches!

So, if you're having trouble with migraine, tension, or cluster headaches, give us a call today.

Recent studies have shown that chiropractic care can play a big part in reducing the intensity, severity, and frequency of many common headaches without those risky medications.

Our compassionate team will work with you to identify the root cause of your headaches and we'll provide the gentle, movement-based care chiropractors are known for to help you break free from your headache pain.

Science Sources:

Tension Headache. MedlinePlus. 2019. Headache Disorders. WHO. 2016

Week 4 - June

Title: How to Prevent Sciatica Pain

As the leading sciatica pain specialist in Capac, we have some tips to share on how you can prevent sciatica pain naturally.

Bottom Line:

As we discuss how to prevent sciatica pain with our sciatica patients, we often notice that many of them will make the comment that they don't know how they hurt their back when they start receiving treatment.

And that's a completely logical statement to make.

It's easy to understand how lifting a heavy object at work or sustaining a blow of some kind or simply moving in an awkward fashion could result in an injury to your back.

The pain that comes with that injury tells you that you could have pinched a nerve and that's why you're experiencing sciatica symptoms.

Completely understandable.

But, what we're about to tell you as we dive into how to prevent sciatica pain naturally may surprise you.

Research has shown that too much sitting may be one of the most common reasons you find yourself experiencing that sciatica pain.

That's also completely understandable.

As the leading sciatica pain specialist in Capac, we’ve seen the very real impact sitting too much has on our patients.

Here's why.

Why it Matters:

When you spend hours per day sitting down, the muscles that support your low back aren't regularly activated, so they can start to atrophy or weaken.

This can lead to imbalances in your back that then result in increased pressure and stress on your spine.

Without the support of the stabilizing muscles your spine relies on to keep your vertebrae, discs, and nerves in balance and aligned, you're more likely to injure your back.

To put that in perspective, we've seen patients who've injured their back from lifting lightweight items around the house.

Fortunately, the “how” in how to prevent sciatica pain is probably even easier than you think.

We like to say "motion is lotion" for your body.

When it comes to how to prevent sciatica pain, movement-based care is at the top of the list.

Stretching, for example, before and after any physical activity can help you both improve your flexibility and reduce your chances of experiencing a number of avoidable injuries.

Modern research also indicates that consistent exercise can stop or even reverse the effects of too much sitting.

Incorporating just 30 minutes of exercise each day can help strengthen the supporting muscles around your spinal column to help prevent future episodes of sciatica.

Other recent studies tell us that getting periodic spinal adjustments can have a part to play in both the correction and prevention of conditions that can cause sciatica pain.

In fact, the top research journal SPINE found that maintained chiropractic care can evaluate, detect, and potentially prevent future disc problems and low back pain episodes.

In other words, chiropractic can be a very effective “how” when you’re considering the actual steps of how to prevent sciatica pain and the recurrence of symptoms.

If you’re looking for a sciatica pain specialist in Capac that takes a holistic approach, you’ve come to the right place.

When most people think of chiropractic care, they typically picture “getting their back and neck cracked.”

While It is true that chiropractic adjustments are a big part of the chiropractic treatment of sciatica, we actually use a variety of treatment methods to address sciatic nerve impingement and pain.

As chiropractors, we take a whole-body (holistic) approach to health and healing.

We combine techniques like adjustments, massage, exercise, nutritional advice, and weight loss management to create a wellness plan unique to each individual.

Next Steps:

We’ve seen our patients enjoy significant relief from sciatica pain and improved mobility with continued chiropractic care.

Maintaining your body with movement-based care is key in how to prevent sciatica pain.

We recommend including regular chiropractic care in addition to implementing some level of planning to help get and keep you moving daily.

Even if time is tight most days, taking a few minutes every hour to get up and walk around can go a long way.

Starting small is better than not starting at all!

And, as days become weeks, months, and years, the exercise you do now will pay huge dividends down the road to keep you happy, healthy, and pain-free.

If you have struggled with recurrent or chronic sciatica pain, you're not limited to invasive surgical procedures, injections, or prescription pain medications to find relief.

You deserve better.

Schedule an appointment with a holistically focused sciatica pain specialist in Capac like us.

We'll work together to pinpoint the root cause of your pain and come up with a plan that can help you get and stay out of pain for years to come.

You deserve nothing less!

Science Source:

Maintained Spinal Manipulation Therapy for Low Back Pain. SPINE. 2011.

Week 3 - June

The Top Causes of Sciatica Revealed

Many of the top causes of sciatica pain can be treated naturally, and if you're interested in holistic sciatica treatment in Capac, we can help!

Bottom Line:

Here's something that might surprise you as you dive into the top causes of sciatica.

Sciatica is not a condition, disorder, or diagnosis in and of itself.

Sciatica pain can be described as dull, achy, sharp, or shooting pain in the lower back and hip, buttock, and leg on one side of the body.

Some may also experience burning, numbness, or tingling sensations.

When someone says they "have sciatica," what they really have is a very specific set of symptoms hinting at an underlying condition.

Many of our sciatica patients often comment that they don't know how they hurt their back.

Well, that actually makes sense.

What is that underlying condition 99.9% of the time?

Most all the top causes of sciatica are linked to the irritation, compression, or impingement of a sciatic nerve.

How do we know this?

When a nerve is compressed or irritated — be it from a herniated spinal disc, bone spur, or ligament overgrowth — it can become inflamed and painful.

And, as you may have noticed, the causes we just listed aren't isolated to injuries.

Why it Matters:

Not all of the top causes of sciatica are injury driven in the traditional sense.

Natural changes that occur as we age, the pressure of gravity, and even stenosis (narrowing of the spinal column) can also contribute to the development of compressed or "pinched" nerves and sciatica pain.

The two sciatic nerves (or, more specifically, nerve bundles) are the longest nerves in the body and for that reason, there are lots of opportunities for either one to become irritated.

These are the major nerves to your legs, and they provide the sensation and motor fibers that allow you to stand up, walk, and run.

That should give you a better idea of how any irritation to either sciatic nerve related to the top causes of sciatica can result in those very noticeable and often disruptive symptoms.

Think of your nerves like small, high-powered electrical lines.

They transmit signals from the power station — your central nervous system — out to all of the muscles, organs, and cells in your body.

The electrical lines or nerves in your low back travel down your hips, buttocks, and legs to your feet to your toes.

If the nerve is irritated at the power station, it will affect everything along the path of that line.

That is why a spinal disc irritating a nerve in your low back can result in pain down into your leg!

Sciatica pain can occur at any point along the course of either sciatic nerve depending on where the irritation exists, and it can then radiate from there.

It’s possible to experience sciatica symptoms without low back pain.

It’s possible the pain in your leg isn’t related to an impingement of its sciatic nerve.

That’s why it’s so important to seek sciatica treatment in Capac from a healthcare professional who not only has an in-depth understanding of the top causes of sciatica pain, but of pain in the lower extremities as well.

Back to our analogy.

Just like your local power company needs to perform maintenance on their equipment, you should also perform periodic maintenance on your body.

Many people just don't know that many of the top causes of sciatica pain can often be resolved without the need for surgery, spinal injections, or pain medications prescribed by an MD.

Staying active with daily exercise, stretching, and periodic chiropractic care can help prevent issues in your low back.

Chiropractic care is an ideal treatment for sciatica pain because it can directly address the root cause of that pain.

In fact, in one recent study researchers observed that over 90% of patients with symptomatic sciatica reported being "much better" or "better" after receiving chiropractic care.

Next Steps:

Periodic chiropractic care has the potential to increase your flexibility and range of motion, help keep your spinal discs healthy, and it could even prevent future episodes of back pain and the development of the top causes of sciatica.

In our practice, we utilize various treatments, including adjustments, to correct spinal conditions such as herniated discs and minor vertebral displacements (subluxations) as well as joint restrictions related to scar tissue and muscle spasms to both help relieve your sciatica pain and prevent it from recurring.

So, if you don't have your next visit on the books, be sure to reserve your appointment today!

And if you're considering booking your first appointment, know that you don't need a referral to see a chiropractor like us specializing in sciatica treatment in Capac.

Simply pick up the phone, book online, or send us a message to get started.

A little maintenance today can go a long way towards a healthier tomorrow, and we’re here to help.

Science Source:

Outcomes of Patients with Symptomatic Herniations Receiving Spinal Therapy. JMPT. 2014. Maintained Spinal Manipulation Therapy for Low Back Pain. SPINE. 2011.

Week 2 - June

What You Need to Know About Sciatica 
Looking for a chiropractor specializing in sciatica treatment in Capac? Here's what you need to know about sciatica treatment options.
Bottom Line: Let’s dive right into what you need to know about sciatica. To understand what sciatica is, it helps to think of sciatica more as a set of symptoms than a condition.
When you hear someone say they "have sciatica," what they have is pain, numbness, or tingling that starts in their low back or buttocks and extends through the lower extremity on one side of their body.
And wow, can it hurt!
It can also become chronic. That’s why it’s a smart idea to seek out a chiropractor specializing in sciatica treatment in Capac.
Here’s what you need to know about sciatica and how it develops. If a nerve in your low back is compressed or "pinched", your body is sure to let you know about it with a jolt of pain.
The sciatic nerves are the longest nerves in the body.
Several individual branches or nerve roots in your lower back combine to form the sciatic nerves which travel down into each of your legs.
Although you have two sciatic nerves (one on each side of your body), sciatica symptoms typically only occur on one side of the body as noted above.
If you have radiating pain down both of your legs, it is less likely that the pain is caused by a pinched sciatic nerve.
Some of the common symptoms people experience when one of the sciatic nerves is pinched or irritated include:
● Increased leg pain when sitting.
● Weakness in the leg or foot.
● Sharp pain that makes it difficult to walk.
Such symptoms need no introduction. They’re probably what lead you to take some time to find out what you need to know about sciatica.
Pain is your body's way of saying "pay attention inside now!"
Each of the above symptoms is a warning sign from your body.
It's your body's way of letting you know you’ve pushed past its limits. The good news?
With the proper care and a little time, you can get your life back! Why it Matters: Did you know that sciatica often resolves without you having to resort to risky medications or a dangerous surgery?
No - we're not talking about sciatica pain that seemingly disappears on its own.
This is really what you need to know about sciatica and to commit to memory.
Trust us, that pain will return if the underlying issue is not addressed.
In fact, we've heard many of our sciatica patients describe their symptoms as sciatica attacks for this very reason - they come back!
Chiropractic is a safe, effective, natural, and popular treatment strategy for sciatica pain.
The numbers don’t lie.
In one widely circulated study, researchers observed that 89% of patients suffering from symptomatic sciatica responded very well to chiropractic adjustments.
As the leading chiropractor specializing in sciatica treatment in Capac, we’ve seen it time and time again right here in our practice.
Movement-based strategies such as spinal adjustments, controlled exercise, and dynamic stretching are a few of the most effective ways to relieve low back issues.
This is also what you need to know about sciatica.
Chiropractic care currently ranks at the top of many leading healthcare organizations' recommendations to relieve sciatica and low back pain.
Medications and injections and surgeries are no longer considered first-line treatments both because of their inherent risks and, ultimately, limited effectiveness.
And not only are movement-based strategies effective at providing relief, but research also indicates these may be able to offer a preventative effect when continued over time.
If you've thought about therapy that doesn't include spinal mobilization, here’s something else to consider…
A recent study found that 20% more study participants experienced sciatica pain relief when spinal adjustments were included with a regular exercise routine.
Next Steps: Sciatica pain has the potential to severely impact your quality of life.
But when it comes to what you need to know about sciatica, rest assured that you don't need to immediately resort to medications, injections, or surgery to correct the problem.
Top research publications have shown that risky prescription pain medications are hardly ever more effective than a spinal adjustment.
The best way to treat sciatica is with the care offered in our practice.
Spinal adjustments, stretching, and exercise have all been shown to be extremely effective at reducing sciatica pain by reducing the pinching (or compression) on your spinal nerves. Starting with chiropractic care is the smartest decision you can make.
If you or someone you know is struggling with sciatica pain, schedule an appointment with a chiropractor specializing in sciatica treatment in Capac like us today.
Our doors are open, and our expert team is here to help!
Science Source: Outcomes of Patients with Symptomatic Herniations Receiving Spinal Therapy. JMPT. 2014.

Week 1 - June

What is Sciatica? 
What exactly is sciatica and how do you know if you "have it?" Here's what you need to know straight from the leading holistic sciatica doctor in Capac.
Bottom Line:
Nearly everyone will have back pain at some point in their life, but with sciatica — well, you'll know something is different right away!
So, what is sciatica?
What is sciatica pain like?
Sciatica really describes a set of symptoms rather than a condition.
The most common symptom can be described as pain that begins in your lower back, travels down through your buttocks, and extends down your leg, usually on just one side of the body.
That shooting pain down your leg is often caused by compression of the sciatic nerve or one or more of the other nerves exiting your spine.
And it might surprise you to know that even a tiny amount of pressure can result in a tremendous amount of pain.
So, getting rid of the associated inflammation and then opening up space for the nerve are both essential steps on the path to finding relief.
That's where we come in.
If you're looking for a chiropractic-focused sciatica doctor in Capac, you've come to the right place.
We specialize in providing gentle spinal manipulative therapy to help you fix your sciatica pain naturally.
Sciatica pain leads many people to think their "condition" must be so serious it can only be healed by a surgeon.
Or that they must need spinal injections.
Or that they must resort to prescription pain medications.
We've even heard patients refer to their pain as sciatica attacks!
So, when they are told that chiropractic treatment can provide the same level of pain relief as those invasive interventions — well, it sounds too good to be true.
Why it Matters:
Let's talk about the function of pain for a moment.
Pain is your body's way of signaling to you that something needs your attention.
So, what is sciatica pain? A signal.
Think of it as your body saying, "Pay Attention Inside Now!".
When a problem occurs in the body, due to ergonomic stress, spinal misalignment, or degenerative changes, the body uses pain as a signal for us to pay attention and act.
And believe it or not, pain is usually the last thing to show up and the first thing to leave, whether we’re talking about injuries or spinal conditions.
To understand why we recommend seeing a chiropractic sciatica doctor in Capac and why our non-invasive methods work, it helps to take a closer look at a common underlying cause of sciatica pain.
Just like you’ve probably Googled “What is sciatica?” a time or two in your life, you’ve probably also Googled “What is a pinched nerve?"
The pinching or compression of a spinal nerve can occur because of an injury to one of your spinal discs (such as disc herniation), the development of a bone spur, or even ligaments that have simply increased in size.
Whatever the underlying issue, it's likely to cause noticeable levels of pain and discomfort until you've taken steps to decrease the inflammation and open up space for the affected nerve, and, in many cases, also taken steps to also improve the movement of the surrounding spinal joints.
Check, check, and check!
We can help. You don't have to live in pain, and you don't have to settle for surgery, injections, or pain medications.
You deserve better.
So, what is sciatica?
A set of very specific symptoms signaling the presence of an underlying condition that chiropractic care can help resolve — no surgery, injections, or pain medications required.
Top research publications have shown that people struggling with sciatica pain can get fantastic results with chiropractic care.
In fact, in one recent study, researchers found that 60% of participants with symptomatic cases of sciatica benefitted from chiropractic adjustments to the same degree as if they underwent surgical intervention (again, without any of the risks!).
And what many may not know is that beyond adjustments, exercise and rehab can also help strengthen the muscles supporting your spine to reduce the likelihood of a relapse.
Yes, we do that too!
Next Steps:
There's no doubt about it.
At the end of the day, what is sciatica? A seemingly sudden onset of pain, numbness, or weakness in your legs that can be scary.
So, if you experience any of these symptoms, take the signals from your body seriously, and give us a call.
We've helped many people recover from sciatica without the need for drugs or surgery.
Scheduling an evaluation with a holistically focused sciatica doctor in Capac like us today is how you take the first step towards finding lasting relief from sciatica pain!
Science Source: Manipulation or Microdiskectomy for Sciatica? JMPT. 2010.

Week - 4 May

The Surprising Link Between Posture and Depression
As the leading posture correction specialist in Capac, we've seen first-hand how posture and depression are connected. Here's what you need to know.
Bottom Line:
Posture can either work for or against us.
Take it from the leading posture correction specialist in Capac.
Each day we’re learning more and more about new health conditions associated with prolonged sitting, ill-positioned technology, and even furniture that may have been repurposed to suit the frantic requirements levied at the start of the pandemic.
It’s obvious that it’s never been more important to find the best posture for working at our computers.
And get this.
We’re also learning more about how emotions, posture, and pain sensitivity may all be influenced by each other to some degree.
In fact, posture and depression may be connected. Consider this.
Have you ever been able to tell someone's mood just by how they walked into a room?
We all have!
It's a great example of how our posture and attitude are connected.
Within seconds you can look at someone and tell whether they are confident or happy.
Posture can influence mood and vice versa for a number of reasons.
Let’s take a closer look at posture and depression.
Why it Matters:
Certain postures have been linked to depression and other health challenges.
For the upper body, we usually see the muscles in the chest and the back of the neck become tight, and the muscles in the front of the neck and the upper back become weak.
This creates the forward head position and rounded shoulders we associate with poor posture.
When you slouch in your chair or stand with poor posture, you put extra strain on your joints and force your supporting muscles to work harder.
To help you better understand just how posture and depression can be linked, try this.
Slouch your shoulders, tilt your head forward, look down at your lap, and then try to take a deep breath.
Note how you feel. Now, reverse that posture, sit up tall, pull your shoulders back, and take another deep breath in.
Quite the difference, right? It’s easy to see how maintaining an unnatural, stooped posture can create aches and pains. And if you’re living with daily aches and pains, contacting a posture correction specialist in Capac to evaluate your posture can be a great place to start. Researchers studying posture and depression found that people who were depressed experienced an improved mood after they changed their posture to be more upright.
That's right.
By maintaining a healthy posture, you can gain a better mindset as well as a stronger core and a healthier overall lifestyle.
The exact reason posture, emotion, and pain sensitivity appear to be connected has yet to be determined.
Some believe it’s as simple as feeling emotionally better yourself when your body is in certain positions.
Another theory is that our body posture and position can influence the release of endorphins or feel-good chemicals in the brain.
Whatever the explanation, when it comes to posture and depression, developing good posture habits can help you feel more confident, energetic, and happy.
To recap...
● Slumped posture has been linked with depressive symptoms
● An upright posture has been shown to improve your mood immediately
● Emotions and thoughts affect your posture and energy level. Look up and pull your shoulders back to reset your mind and body!
Next Steps: The next time you feel down, consider what you now know about posture and depression and pay attention to your posture.
You’ll more than likely find yourself slumped with your head and neck curved forward and down.
One of the best changes you can make in that moment is to pull your shoulder blades back and together, relax your shoulders down away from your ears, and look up.
The more you work on it, the easier it will become.
Start by holding your head and chest in this corrected position for a minute at a time to help build endurance.
You’d be surprised how much of a difference a few minutes a day can make!
And if your posture is causing you neck or back pain, reaching out to a posture correction specialist in Capac to evaluate your alignment and more is the place to start.
Our doors are open, and we’re here to help.
If you're experiencing depression, we recommend reaching out to a professional for help.
Science Source: Upright Posture Improves Affect and Fatigue. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry. 2017.

Week - 3 May

Postural Stress: The Link Between Tech Neck and Pain
Looking for neck pain treatment in Capac Michigan? Odds are it's tech-related. The good news? You can overcome tech neck and pain, naturally. Here's how.
Bottom Line:
While it’s true that your anatomy can contribute to the levels of postural stress you experience, so can many of the small decisions you make each day.
You’ve probably seen an article or two floating around the web about the relationship between tech neck and pain. You may have even seen an uptick in commercials for neck pain treatment in Capac, and for good reason
Did you know that many of us spend 2 hours or more per day on our smartphones and 5 hours or more on our computers?
That adds up to thousands of hours year after year after year of you keeping your neck “stuck” in an awkward position!
Take a moment right now and check…
Is your head creeping forward as you read this?
If your chin is tucked down and your ears are in front of your shoulders, you’re in the forward head posture we mentioned earlier called tech neck.
You may have also heard this posture referred to as "text neck."
Driving a car, working on the computer, and using a tablet or phone all usually result in this lessthan-ideal posture.
And over the past few years, the number of people experiencing headaches and tech neck and pain has exploded.
Why it Matters:
Let’s take a closer look at how tech neck and pain are related.
The average human head weighs about 8-11 pounds.
Every day, you’re effectively walking around with a bowling ball (your head) balancing on a toothpick (your neck).
Even under the best circumstances, this places a lot of stress on our spine.
Holding up your head may not seem like a lot, but the 7 bones and 20 muscles of your neck have to work together in perfect harmony to balance that weight so you can move your head around free of pain.
Ideally, you want your ears in line with your shoulders (when your shoulders are pulled back).
It's estimated that tilting your head forward, even just 15 degrees, can increase the weight of your head on your neck by over 3X.
Tilting your head forward 60 degrees can nearly 10X the stress and strain on your neck.
That stress can add up and result in your neck not moving correctly.
We're talking stiffness, dysfunction, headaches, and more.
We’re talking about the development of tech neck and pain, and that can leave you looking for neck pain treatment in St. Clair county, spicificaly Capac.
To recap...
● Tech neck is the term used to describe the flexed head and neck position when looking down at your smartphone.
● Even 15 degrees of forward bending (flexion) can increase the stress of your head on your neck by 3X.
● Look up taking breaks every 15 minutes and looking up for your phone or tablet can help your body reset and give your muscles a chance to relax.
Next Steps: Reducing the symptoms of tech neck and pain is more than merely changing the angle of how you look at your phone.
The good news is that being proactive and making a few simple changes to your routine can help you reduce your risk of experiencing pain.
Improving your ergonomics, stretching each day, and receiving periodic spinal adjustments can help you combat the effects of tech neck.
Take a moment today to check your posture. Be sure to stretch if you notice your shoulders are rounding, your head has moved forward, and your upper back is hunched over.
And if you see yourself regularly slouching into this posture, let us know - especially if tech neck and pain are getting in the way of you enjoying your life.
Before you can start to improve your posture, you have to know what proper posture looks like and perhaps, more importantly, how to maintain it.
That's where we come in.
From evaluation to adjustments to at home stretches and exercises, our team has the expertise to help you correct your posture and overcome your tech neck and pain.
By reducing the stress on your neck, you can look forward to many years of continuing to enjoy your smart devices without pain and discomfort!
It all starts with a click or a call. Schedule a consultation with us for neck pain treatment in Capac today to get started. Science Sources: "Tech Neck" Taking a Toll on Posture. Columbia Spine. 2018.
How to Prevent Neck and Back Pain Working From Home. Health Matters. 2020

Week 2 - May

Improving Your Posture to Keep Your Spine Healthy 

Whether you're looking to get a posture assessment in Capac or actual ways to start improving your posture now, we've got you covered. Read on.
Bottom Line:
Spending more time on the couch, at your computer, and on your mobile devices has probably led you to visit Google to search for ways to start improving your posture a time or two. Those searches have probably also left you wondering… what exactly is posture?
Well, posture is the position that your body maintains while standing, sitting, or lying down.
To put it another way, posture is how you hold your body.
To put it yet another way, posture is the particular stance you have when sitting, standing, running, walking, sleeping, and even bending over.
Posture is one of those things that we all know we need to work on.
When you slouch in your chair or stand with poor posture, you put extra strain on your joints and force your muscles to work harder, and that can result in pain. Take your neck for example.
If you sit with your head’s center of gravity aligned over the spine, your neck muscles need to do very little work.
However, if you sit with your head tilted forward as you would when checking your email or social media on your phone or computer, the muscles in your neck take on the extra strain it takes to hold your head in that position. That results in a lot of extra work for your neck muscles, and your body has to compensate.
Weakened or unbalanced muscle strength can result in additional stress on your spinal joints. Over time, the additional stress caused by postural imbalances and tired muscles can lead to changes in how you move and pain.
Are you experiencing daily, nagging aches and pains? Take it from us, getting a posture assessment in Capac is a great place to start.
And there are things you can do from the comfort of your own home as well. Read on. Why it Matters:
Improving your posture means making adjustments to keep your spinal curves aligned and your weight evenly distributed.
Good posture is essential because it helps reduce the stress on your spine and joints, and with gravity pulling down on you every day, that’s important. Less stress means your spinal joints and ligaments can move more freely through their full range of motion.
So, improving your posture can have positive impacts on how well you move and how good you feel. What’s more, new research also indicates that maintaining a good or balanced posture can help you use your muscles more efficiently and prevent fatigue.
Getting a posture assessment in [your city / town / neighborhood] can help you determine the best ways to start actively improving your posture.
To avoid back pain, your best posture may be one of motion.
Chiropractors often like to say, "motion is lotion" (for your body).
If you sit in one position too long, there are small nerves in your body that will detect the mounting pressure and send messages to your brain indicating that you're uncomfortable.
Researchers believe that those signals are our body's way of telling us to change positions before we begin to experience pain.
That's a reason we also like to say pain stands for “pay attention inside now.”
Here, that discomfort you feel is your prompt to move!
Changing positions or using a standing desk can help you start improving your posture and reduce your risk of experiencing chronic neck and back pain.
And if you've been considering investing in a standing desk, get this.
Standing desks have been shown to reduce the recurrence of back pain by over 30% when compared to sitting at a desk.
Next Steps: One of the best ways to start improving your posture is not staying in a single position for too long.
To help relieve and balance the physical stress placed on your body each day, it’s recommended that you stand and move around frequently.
Changing your position at regular intervals, using a lumbar support when seated, and even using a standing desk are all ways to reduce fatigue and pain and to actively start improving your posture.
If you’re having a hard time remembering to move, set a timer on your phone to help you keep track of the time and develop the habit.
If you tend to sit for long periods, make those reminders to stand.
You could take it a step further and use that time to refill your water bottle to help keep you hydrated.
Better yet, you could use that time to perform a couple of the postural exercises we showed you the last time you were in the office or on our social channels. Different apps can help make your practice easy. Just figure out what works best for you and do your best to stick to it. And if you notice you’re not able to move through your body's full range of motion without pain, don’t put off getting checked out. Take 5 minutes to schedule a posture assessment in Capac with us. By proactively addressing your movement issues today, we can start improving your posture before those nagging aches and pains set in!
Science Sources: Back Health and Posture. Cleveland Clinic. 2020.
Breaking Up Sitting with Standing Improves Discomfort. Occup Environ Med. 2014

Week 1 - May

Is There a Perfect Posture? 
As the leading posture rehab chiropractor in Capac, we know a thing or two about what habits really help you achieve your ideal or perfect posture.
Bottom Line:
"Sit up straight and stop slouching!"
We’ve all heard (or said) it a million times in the name of having perfect posture.
You've likely heard this since childhood, and for good reason.
Poor posture as a kid can create health challenges later in life.
Rounded shoulders (scapular protrusion), swayback (lumbar hyperlordosis) and a hunched upper back (thoracic hyperkyphosis) are all postural imbalances that place a tremendous amount of stress on the spine.
And when those imbalances persist, the muscles supporting your spine must work harder to support your body weight, and that can result in pain.
Know that If you’re experiencing daily aches and pains, seeing a posture rehab chiropractor in Capac is a great place to start. Abnormal postures have been linked to depression, decreases in energy, headaches, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Maintaining good posture as you age can help keep any unnecessary stress off your spine and joints, positively impacting your overall spinal health for years to come.
What’s more, your ability to move through a full range of motion without pain plays a big role in
how your posture looks when you're still.
But is there such a thing as perfect posture?
Well, the idea of perfect posture is a bit complicated.
The latest research shows that it makes more sense to think about your posture as dynamic, not static. That’s because your ideal or perfect posture is constantly changing and evolving. 

Why it Matters:
Your posture consists of a dynamic pattern of responses, reflexes, and habits - not a single position.
Poor posture is usually caused by what you aren’t doing instead of what you are doing.
The effects of gravity, the ergonomics of your desk at work, and your anatomy all play a role.
Even with great ergonomics, sitting for hours each day working on a computer can lead to postural issues.
It’s true. As the leading posture rehab chiropractor in Capac, we see this in our practice every day. Think about it. Most of us aren't moving and stretching very often as we work or even rest with our smartphones or tablets in hand.
Over time the imbalances caused by those long hours spent looking down at our devices can lead to a habitual forward head posture. And while there may not be a one size fits all perfect posture, you can bet nearly every one of us has developed some level of habitual forward head posture. Why does that matter?
Well, when you start to lean forward, it places a tremendous amount of extra pressure on the discs in your neck and spine.
This added pressure can cause increased compression and lead to pain.
Even just a few inches of forward head posture can double or triple the amount of stress on the spinal joints in your neck.
Think about the impact this can have day after day after day.
Sustained forward head posture has also been associated with a weakening of the supporting muscles of your spine.
It’s estimated to result in neck pain for up to 75% of us.
That neck pain as well as tension, stiffness, and tenderness are all signs of chronic forward head posture.
The good news?
While it’s not easy to maintain those perfect postures, there are things you can do to perfect your posture every day. You can start by taking short breaks to stretch at least every 15-30 minutes. Doing so will help you reset your balance and relax your body, and it’s one of the most essential practices you can adopt when it comes to improving your posture in the long term. Trapezius strengthening has also been shown to provide clinically significant relief for those struggling with neck pain as a result of forward head posture.
Next Steps: By breaking the pattern of poor posture, you can reduce your likelihood of experiencing many common aches and pains.
Every day, you can take advantage of simple opportunities to improve your strength, flexibility, and ergonomics to develop more ideal or perfect posture patterns. Try this.
Next time you’re on the phone, stop for a moment and see if your head is creeping forward.
If your chin is tucked down and your ears are in front of your shoulders, then you’re in that forward head posture we discussed.
When that happens, it's a sign that it’s a good time to take a break, stretch, and reset.
And remember, both strength and flexibility also play a significant role in your posture.
Strengthening the trapezius muscles, actively maintaining good core strength, and working to balance that strength with flexibility can help your body best adapt to your environment.
Remember. Think of your ideal or perfect posture as dynamic. It’s constantly changing and evolving no matter how little our daily routines change or how much our daily habits change. Many of us spend large chunks of our days working on a computer, so it’s important to ensure that our spinal joints are moving well and moving correctly to help keep us feeling great.
That's where we come in.
Chiropractors are taught many of the finer details that go into developing those ideal or perfect postures.
So, if you’ve been living with nagging aches and pains, and you’re interested in working with a posture rehab chiropractor in Capac, contact us for an evaluation today.
Together, we can help you perfect your posture and say goodbye to pain for years to come!
Science Source: Effects of Trapezius Strengthening on Patients with Neck Pain. Med Sci Monit. 2020.

Week 4 - April

 The Most Common Injuries After a Car Accident

If you’ve been living with some of the most common injuries after a car accident, you’ll
want to see a chiropractor specializing in auto accident injuries in Capac, Michigan ASAP.
Bottom Line:
Whether you are just driving to work or taking a big family vacation, an unexpected car accident can
cause painful injuries that impact you for months and years to come.
The weight of your vehicle combined with motion and speed can create a tremendous amount of force.
Even low-speed collisions can generate enough force to cause significant injury.
Whatever the details, one thing remains true…
That force gets transferred directly to your body!
If you’ve recently been in an auto accident, the first thing you should do is make an appointment with a
chiropractor specializing in auto accident injuries in Capac, Michigan.
The violent forces that occur during an auto accident can cause damage to your spinal discs, ligaments,
tendons, and bones-even at "low" speeds.
Most common injuries after a car accident happen because your head is whipped backward and forward
very quickly.
This rapid back and forth motion frequently results in ligament tearing and spinal disc injuries.
Symptoms such as neck pain, back pain, headaches, confusion, and even depression may indicate that
you've suffered a whiplash injury.
Why it Matters:
You may be surprised to learn that shoulder injuries are some of the most common injuries after a car
accident in addition to whiplash.
Your shoulder is one of the most complex parts of your body and is made up of a collection of bones,
ligaments, tendons, and muscles.
If you are the driver and have your hands on the wheel at the time of the crash, the sudden force created
by the accident can lead to a torn rotator cuff.
Seat belt related injuries are also some of the most common injuries after a car accident.
Your seat belt can irritate impingement syndromes in the shoulder and contribute to other spinal injuries.
That said, remember this.
Seat belts save millions of lives each year and should absolutely be used every time you enter a vehicle.
In addition to head and shoulder injuries, a sudden stop or change in direction during an accident can
also place a tremendous force on your chest.
What’s more, since your arms and legs are more than likely unsecured, they can strike the interior of your
car, causing additional injuries.
To recap, here are a few of the most common reasons we recommend you see a chiropractor specializing
in auto accident injuries in Capac after any collision accident.
● Head Injuries: Striking your head against the steering wheel, dashboard, or window can result in
a severe head injury such as a concussion (which is considered a mild traumatic brain injury).
● Spinal Injuries: The forces that occur during a car accident can cause spinal injuries like
instability, whiplash, or herniated discs.
● Arm or Leg Injuries: Injuries to your shoulders (if you're holding the wheel) or your knees (if they
hit the door or dashboard) are very common after a car accident.
Next Steps:
Ignoring any injury, whether it’s on our list of the most common injuries after a car accident or not, is not a
good idea.
If you're in a car accident, no matter how minor, it’s important to get evaluated.
Taking the right action steps as quickly as possible can make a huge difference in your overall well-being
and healing.
In fact, the injuries sustained in most accidents can be treated conservatively, and many don't require
Research has shown chiropractic care to be very effective at treating injuries like neck and back pain,
headaches, whiplash injuries, and extremity issues.
If you’re searching for a chiropractor specializing in auto accident injuries in Capac located in St. Clair County, Michigan, know that our doors are open and our expert team is here to help, right now.
We’re focused on relieving pain, restoring mobility, and supporting long-term healing, and we specialize in
treating most all of the common injuries after a car accident.
A complete evaluation is how we determine the extent of your injuries and begin your journey towards
What’s more, our practice's evaluation process and assessment tools can help us fully document your
injuries for your records, your medical doctor’s records, your insurance providers records, and, when
needed, your attorney’s records.
Then with a combination of conservative treatments designed specifically for you, we can help you find
relief as quickly, safely, and naturally as possible.
Science Source:
The Impact of Musculoskeletal Injuries Sustained in Traffic Crashes. BMC. 2018.

Week 3 - April

How to Recover from Whiplash After an Auto Accident

 If you’ve been wondering how to recover from whiplash, think conservative care first.
Start with chiropractic care for whiplash in Capac or St. Clair County.
Bottom Line:
Your spine is a long chain of bones, discs, muscles, and ligaments that extend from your skull down to
your tailbone.
The cervical spine (your neck) is designed to support your head and protect the nerves that go out to your
face, shoulders, and arms.
Postural changes, arthritis, and sudden injuries are a few of the primary causes of neck pain.
Most of the time, the pain can be traced to a problem with either the muscles, bones, discs, or nerves in
your neck.
That’s important to remember when considering how to recover from whiplash.
That’s probably a big part of what has you considering seeking chiropractic care for whiplash in Capac.
Whiplash injuries can occur during a sports accident or during a slip and fall.
And, as most of us know, whiplash injuries are also commonly sustained during auto accidents.
These injuries can cause damage to the delicate structures in your neck and lead to symptoms such as
headaches, neck pain and stiffness, shoulder pain, and numbness and tingling or pain in your arms and
That pain is your body’s way of saying “pay attention inside now!”
Let’s take a closer look at what happens when a whiplash injury is sustained, and, perhaps more
importantly, how to recover from whiplash.
Why it Matters:
Over 1.5 million whiplash injuries occur each year, many from low impact collisions.
Research does in fact show that low-speed crashes can create the force necessary to cause pain and
Because these injuries can be sustained in collisions other than car accidents and can occur at low
speeds, many people often ignore them and have never learned how to recover from whiplash.
Many of you neighbors who’ve been involved in an auto accident recently are most likely seeking
chiropractic care for whiplash in Capac right now for that reason.
The truth is that even minor damage to the ligaments of your neck can take up to 12 weeks to heal.
In some cases, the partial tearing of the muscles, tendons, or ligaments around your spine can take
several months to heal.
Depending on the severity of the ligament tearing, these injuries may also be classified as permanent.
Whiplash can also cause damage to your facet joints and spinal discs by stretching them beyond their
normal range of motion.
Almost every bone in your neck has a pair of sliding joints towards the back called facet joints.
If an adhesion forms or the joint is stuck, your body will try to compensate.
A stiff neck after an accident is a good clue that a whiplash injury may have occurred.
Keep an eye out for swelling and bruising, which can take up to 24 hours to develop.
Many people may already know what symptoms to watch for, but most people may not really know how to
recover from whiplash.
It's essential to control any inflammation early in your treatment and improve your range of motion.
In other words, it’s key to use movement as medicine.
While it may seem strange that movement can be a good thing even if it causes discomfort, we know that
controlled movement can limit the amount of scar tissue that forms and may even increase the healing
Still wondering exactly how to recover from whiplash injuries?
Let’s recap the key principles we just discussed.
● Obtaining an accurate diagnosis with a complete examination and spinal imaging is the first step
towards determining the best plan of care to heal from your injuries.
● Inflammation is often the primary factor that causes pain and restricted movement after a
whiplash injury.
● Controlling inflammation naturally and reestablishing your range of motion can help reduce your
pain and improve the results of your care.
Next Steps:
With the right healthcare team, most people can get back to their full life and activities without the need
for drugs or surgery.
Chiropractors focus on the structure and function of your spine.
When your spine is functioning optimally, your body is able to heal itself, no medications needed.
When looking at how to recover from whiplash, a chiropractor’s care is key.
We take a holistic approach to help you recover from whiplash by examining and treating the injured
muscles, ligaments, discs, and more.
Depending on the type of accident, we may choose to take x-rays or an MRI of your neck to evaluate your
injuries better.
Chiropractors are considered essential after an accident because of our focus on improving your
movement, biomechanics, and functional ability while reducing your pain.
Schedule an appointment to receive chiropractic care for whiplash at Capac Chiropractic Clinic
today if you are someone you know has been injured in a car accident.
We're here to help guide your recovery process and theirs every step of the way.
Science Source:
The Treatment of Neck Pain and Whiplash-Associated Disorders. JMPT. 2016

Week 2 - April
What You Need to Know About Delayed Pain After a Car

 Have you experienced delayed pain after a car accident first hand? It’s time to heal.
It’s time to see a car accident chiropractor in Capac.
Bottom Line:
If you can walk away after a car accident without any catastrophic injuries, you should certainly consider
yourself lucky.
But there is something important we want you to commit to your memory right now.
Even if you feel ok after exchanging information and speaking with the police, it is always a good idea to
see a chiropractor after an accident.
With your adrenaline pumping directly after an accident, your brain may not truly register the pain signals
coming from your body.
It's only after you have some time to calm down that you find yourself suddenly living with previously
unnoticed injuries and delayed pain after a car accident.
The good news?
Non-drug care options, such as chiropractic, are very effective at helping people both reduce the
sensations of delayed pain after a car accident and restore their functional health.
If you’re looking for a car accident chiropractor in Capac, know our expert team
is here to help.
Even people with severe and chronic pain have been shown to benefit from the care that chiropractors
And with a proper evaluation and early treatment, you have a high likelihood of putting that delayed pain
after a car accident in the rear view mirror and getting well within a matter of weeks.
Why it Matters:
While medications can provide temporary pain relief, they don't do a very good job of helping your body
One of the problems with pain medications is that they only treat the symptoms.
They aren't doing a thing to resolve the injuries that are the real source of your pain.
That’s just one reason why Ignoring a new ache or delayed pain after a car accident and hoping it will go
away is definitely not a smart strategy.
Even minor symptoms can be an indication of a more significant problem.
That’s perhaps one of the most important reasons you need to see a car accident chiropractor in Capac.
And there’s something else to consider.
The longer you wait to get evaluated and receive care, the higher your likelihood becomes of needing
more aggressive medical care.
In fact, without a proper diagnosis and swift treatment, your body may begin to "heal" with more scar
tissue than necessary.
The same principle applies if you ignore what that delayed pain after a car accident is trying to tell you
and simply decide to try to live "around" your injuries.
Doing so can lead to even more physical stress and compensation from other parts of your body and,
ultimately, additional injuries.
Let’s take a look at some common manifestations of delayed pain after a car accident that may not
appear for hours or days.
● Headaches: A concussion, neck injury, mild traumatic brain injury, or whiplash can create
headaches after a car accident, so don't dismiss a headache or dizziness until you’ve been
adequately evaluated by a doctor.
● Back Pain: Pain in your back after a car accident can take hours or days to begin, and it could be
a sign of a spinal disc injury, soft tissue injury, or whiplash.
● Neck / Shoulder Pain: If you notice pain in your neck, shoulders, or arms, it may be a sign of
whiplash or a spinal injury.
Next Steps:
Delayed onset of symptoms after a car accident is quite common.
It doesn't mean that you're "making it up."
The stress of a car accident can make it difficult to truly assess how you feel in the minutes after impact.
It takes time for swelling and inflammation to begin, and you may not notice delayed pain after a car
accident for hours or even days.
Don't dismiss your symptoms or concerns.
With the right healthcare team, most people can get back to their full life and activities without the need
for drugs or surgery.
Chiropractors are often the first healthcare professional a majority of people see after getting into an
So, if you’ve been searching for the best car accident chiropractor in Capac,
give our office a call right now.
Receiving a complete and thorough evaluation is critical to discovering injuries early on so that you can
receive the best care and treatment to put your injuries in the rearview mirror as quickly as possible
Research has shown that active care involving range of motion, mobilizing exercises, and strengthening
can effectively reduce pain.
So, call us to schedule a proper evaluation as soon as you can.
It has the potential to make a massive difference in both your quality of life and long-term well-being!
Science Source:
Whiplash. WebMD. 2021. 

Week 1 - April

 Whiplash: How These Injuries Can Cause Chronic Pain

Whiplash injuries used to be considered "no big deal." But times have changed. Doctors now
know that whiplash can cause lifelong pain and disability if not properly cared for when they
occur. Discover why in our new blog.
Bottom Line:
Whiplash injuries used to be considered "no big deal." But times have changed. Doctors now
know that whiplash can cause lifelong pain and disability if not properly cared for when they
occur. During a car accident, your head moves forward and backward suddenly with a
tremendous amount of force. Even low-speed collisions can generate enough force to injure
the delicate ligaments in your neck that support your head.
Why it Matters:
During a whiplash injury, your head and neck extend beyond their normal range of motion. This
can create partial tears or damage the muscles and ligaments around your spine and injure the
spinal disc, nerves, or muscles. A few key indicators that you may have suffered a whiplash
injury include neck pain and stiffness, headaches, dizziness, pain in your arms/shoulders.
• Whiplash injuries are now considered severe and often permanent injuries that happen to the
ligaments of the neck after the rapid back and forth motion that occurs during an accident.
• Over 80% of people involved in a car accident will have whiplash injuries.
• More than 50% of people with neck pain or whiplash after a car accident will continue to have
pain one year after their initial injury.
Next Steps:
Receiving the proper diagnosis and care after a car accident can help reduce your likelihood of
struggling with a lifetime of chronic neck pain. Our practice is focused on accurately assessing,
documenting, and treating people who have been involved in a car accident to help them regain
their quality of life as quickly and safely as possible. If you or someone you know has been
involved in an auto accident and struggling with pain, please schedule an appointment with
us today.
Science Source:

Week 5 -March

Why Do Athletes Need a Chiropractor?

Did you just Google why do athletes need a chiropractor? If you’re seeing

this, our chiropractic sports therapy clinic in Capac might be right for
you. Here’s why.
Bottom Line:
Training, preparing, and competing are all part of what makes sports so much fun.
Wait - what about rest and recovery?
Afterall, the majority of motions commonly seen in many popular sports can place a tremendous
amount of stress on your neck and back.
And while our bodies are incredibly strong and resilient, rest and recovery days are necessary
for athletes at all levels.
You don’t have to take an all or nothing approach when it comes to what you do on a rest or
recovery day compared to a training or game day.
Your needs during training and your needs during recovery depend on a wide range of factors.
Chiropractors understand this and are uniquely trained to assist athletes in recovery both before
and after competition.
Why it Matters:
So, why do athletes need a chiropractor?
During training, you’re pushing and challenging your body with the goal of improving your
As part of that process, you may encounter some level of back pain.
And with that back pain often comes spinal stiffness.
That’s just one example of an area where chiropractic care shines for athletes.
Chiropractic adjustments can help you keep your training on track by actively improving your
overall range of motion and flexibility.
Likewise, during rest and recovery, the use of soft tissue therapy and other techniques can help
with tissue repair, inflammation reduction, and recovery acceleration as a whole.
Through training and recovery, we have your back!
● If you experience spinal stiffness or other restrictions in your movement while training,
chiropractic can help.
● Chiropractic adjustments can specifically help improve your range of motion, which can
help better facilitate the healing processes in your body.
● Chiropractors often offer soft tissue therapies targeted at the muscles of the body to
complement and boost the effects of the adjustments used to treat the joints of the body.
Next Steps:
Don’t get the wrong idea!
You don't need to be an Olympic athlete to enjoy the benefits chiropractic has to offer.
Former athletes, current athletes, soon-to-be athletes, amateur athletes, weekend warriors -
everyone can benefit from chiropractic care.
That’s no exaggeration.
When you move better, you feel better, and you heal better.
Regardless of your health goals, we want to be a part of the team that keeps you off the
sidelines and actively enjoying the game of life.
So, if you enjoy getting up and getting active and are looking for a chiropractic sports therapy
clinic in Capac, you know where to go!
Science Source:
Does Experimental Low Back Pain Change Posteroanterior Lumbar Spinal Stiffness and Trunk
Muscle Activity? A Randomized Crossover Study. Clinical Biomechanics. 2016

Week 4 - March

 Pro Tips to Keep Your Spinal Discs Healthy
 work related neck and back pain, chiropractor specializing in neck and back pain in
 Have you been living with work related neck and back pain? It’s time to see
a chiropractor specializing in neck and back pain in Capac.
Bottom Line:
Not everyone spends their entire week preparing to “play on Sunday.”
Our “big game” for the week is more likely to take place in a conference room or on a Zoom call
than in a stadium.
Yes, most of us are probably not going to start our professional lives playing in the NFL - or the
NBA, NHL, MLB, Premier League, Champions League, etc. (though you never know!).
Instead of lifting weights and working with the coach on a new play, your weekdays may be
spent sitting at a desk performing mental jumping jacks for hours at a time.
And we can all agree that whether we’re working out or just working, it’s no fun doing it in pain!
Now, you may be wondering why we’re comparing professional athletes to “office”
Get this.
Research has shown that all the hours we spend sitting at our desks can place more stress on
our spines than working out all day long!
Why it Matters:
So, it may be a bit too late to change careers and try out for a professional sports team.
But there are a few things you can do to stay healthy and productive while you work that
professional athletes also do, and you can start right now!
Get active with daily exercise.
Practice daily light stretching.
Receive routine chiropractic care.
Together, each of these can help keep your spinal discs healthy and strong and take the stress
off your spine.
Chiropractic adjustments can help bring valuable nutrients to those important spinal structures.
This, in turn, helps better facilitate the body’s healing processes, including flushing out any
inflammatory substances that can cause pain.
What’s more, researchers from SPINE found that periodic chiropractic care may be able to
detect, evaluate, and prevent future episodes of work related neck and back pain.
To recap, here’s what you want to know about sitting and chiropractic care:
● Sitting is one of the most stressful positions for your spine.
● You can keep your spine healthy with a combination of daily exercise, daily light
stretching, and routine chiropractic care.
● Periodic chiropractic visits can also help evaluate, detect, and treat an emerging
problem, thus preventing future episodes of low back pain.
Next Steps:
We all dream of having those moments at work that are as thrilling and rewarding as catching
the game-winning touchdown.
For you, performing at your peak might mean nailing that presentation at your next team
meeting and then being able to celebrate with an activity you love.
Don’t let pain slow you down and keep you on the sidelines!
That’s where we come in.
If you’re looking for a chiropractor specializing in neck and back pain in [your city / town /
neighborhood], we’re here to help.
Including chiropractic care is one of the best ways to support your active lifestyle at work and
And if you’re also looking for some daily exercises and stretches to work into your daily routine,
be sure to let us know.
Yes, we do that too, and we’re here for you!
Science Source:
Does Maintained Spinal Manipulation Therapy for Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain Result in
Better Long-Term Outcome? SPINE. 2011

Week 3 - March

Be Like Mike: How to Reach Your Full Potential
Michael Jordan quote about chiropractic, sports chiropractor in St. Clair County
 Have you seen the latest Michael Jordan quote about chiropractic? If you
want to be like Mike, you should be looking for the best sports chiropractor in Capac.
Bottom Line:
Athletes and active people alike are always looking for that edge that keeps them performing at
their best.
And there may not be anyone who embodies that spirit for so many of us more than basketball
legend Michael Jordan.
He won multiple world championships and gold medals and broke just about every record in the
So what was a big part of his success?
Well, aside from a tremendous amount of hard work and persistence, here’s a Michael Jordan
quote about chiropractic you may not have heard before…
"I didn't know how much I could improve until I started seeing a chiropractor. Since I've been in
chiropractic, I've improved by leaps and bounds both mentally and physically."
Yep - it’s true.
Why it Matters:
Just like you, Michael Jordan is always striving to reach his full potential both physically and
And with that statement, he joined athletes like Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Joe Montana, Jerry
Rice, and Wayne Gretzky.
Each and every one has talked about how chiropractic care helped them stay at the top of their
game, and that should come as no surprise.
With the rigors of pro sports in general and the routine demands these athletes place on their
bodies, it makes sense that chiropractic care would be used to keep them healthy so they can
keep performing at their highest potential.
Here are what other star athletes have had to say about chiropractic.
● “Chiropractic care has been instrumental in my life, both on and off the field...” - quote
attributed to Jerry Rice
● “Performing at my best is important to me and should be to everyone. Getting adjusted
regularly along with practicing other good health habits that my mom helped me to
establish – are all part of my goal to win in life and on the field.” – quote attributed to
Aaron Rodgers
● “I’ve been going to a chiropractor for as long as I can remember, it is as important as the
practice of my swing.” - quote attributed to Tiger Woods
Next Steps:
Michael Jordan was ahead of his time with his training methods and healthcare choices.
Now, it's common to see a chiropractor on the sidelines of every professional sport.
Obviously, you don't need to be a professional athlete to have a reason to want to improve your
health, well-being, and physical performance.
We’re all interested in spending less time managing aches and pains and more time enjoying
the benefits of peak function and strength, so don’t skip that next adjustment!
Also, we hope you’ll do us a favor.
Many people still aren't aware of the benefits of chiropractic care.
So, the next time someone compliments you on your golf swing or posture, let them know that
chiropractic helped, and you know an excellent sports chiropractor in Capac!
Science Sources:
Packers’ Rodgers Has Deep Roots in Chico. New York Times. 2011.
Impact of Spinal Manipulation on Cortical Drive to Upper and Lower Limb Muscles. Brain 

Week 2 - March

 Improving Your CrossFit Performance
CrossFit success, CrossFit rehab chiropractor Capac
Chiropractic care = CrossFit success. If you’re a local CrossFitter, a CrossFit
rehab chiropractor in Almont should be on your team! Here’s why.
Bottom Line:
CrossFit is a challenging sport!
Participants primarily focus on strength and conditioning and add in a healthy dose of
competition for good measure.
Their training programs typically incorporate a wide range of exercises - everything from
kettlebell-specific exercises to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) involving explosive
plyometric movements to Olympic weightlifting and elements of powerlifting.
CrossFit success comes down to consistency and dedication, and a common goal most
CrossFitters share is to improve their WOD (that’s workout a day for the uninitiated).
And we know that to do that, they’ll need a plan that allows them to not only achieve their best
performance, but that also helps ensure their body can recover quickly.
The last thing any CrossFitter wants is for injuries to pop up, slow them down, and potentially
keep them from going to the gym altogether.
That’s where we come in.
Why it Matters:
If you’re a CrossFitter looking to optimize both your performance and recovery, there is no
better choice than chiropractic care!
Did you know…
Recent research has shown that chiropractic adjustments can positively influence your nervous
system in ways that result in increased strength.
What’s more, adjustments can help to improve your spinal motion and reduce your body’s
overall inflammation levels which, in turn, can help speed up your recovery.
To put that all together:
● CrossFit is a popular, high-intensity style workout that focuses on strength and
● Improving your core strength and flexibility can help reduce your likelihood of
experiencing injuries during and between CrossFit sessions, and chiropractic care can
● In a recent study, researchers found that athletes experienced a measurable and
sustained increase in strength for up to 30 minutes following chiropractic adjustments.
Next Steps:
Crossfit is challenging.
It’s demanding.
It’s intense.
That's all part of what makes it so much fun!
And to make sure you stay at the top of your game and in the gym, you’ll want to make sure to
balance all that activity with the proper rest and recovery.
Your adjustments will go a long way towards keeping you strong and active, and our expert
team is also happy to recommend nutritional supplements and pain relieving creams to help you
achieve your CrossFit goals.
So, if we’ve got you thinking about looking up a CrossFit rehab chiropractor in Capac, go ahead and give us a call before you hit the gym!
Science Source:
Impact of CrossFit-Related Spinal Injuries. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. 2019. 

Week 1 - March
Title: How Pro Athletes Deal with Pain
Keywords: chiropractic care for athletes, sports rehab chiropractor in Capac

Meta Description: Interested in learning more about chiropractic care for athletes and looking
for a sports chiropractor in Capac? Start here!
Bottom Line:
Professional sports is big business, and sports performance is a huge part of winning.
To help athletes play at the highest levels possible, they’re given access to a variety of the best
healthcare options available.
And that includes access to readily available chiropractic care for athletes.
It’s true!
In fact, chiropractors can be found on nearly every sideline working to keep your favorite
athletes and their teammates happy, healthy, and productive on and off the field, pitch, rink,
ring, court - you name it!
Why it Matters:
Thankfully, the days of receiving shots of narcotics on the sidelines are over.
Blocking pain is not an excellent way to prevent pain, especially when it comes to sports and
activities that push the body.
It’s a way to cause more injury.
That’s why chiropractors are so important.
Sports franchises and players alike realize that a team approach to care is best.
In fact, nearly every professional sports team has a team chiropractor on the sidelines to help
keep the athletes performing at their peak level.
What’s more, it’s estimated that 90% of professional and Olympic-class athletes use chiropractic
care to increase performance and reduce the risk of injury.
With chiropractors there to help find the root cause of player injuries, athletes can get back to
their game feeling better than ever.
Check out why some notable athletes have to say about their experience with chiropractic care:
● “Most injuries require chiropractic care. It works better for me than anything else.” -
quote attributed to Jerry Rice
● “I have found that chiropractic keeps me flexible and pain free so I can perform at my
highest level. The benefits of chiropractic have improved my golf swing, putting less
stress and strain on my body and allowing me to be a more productive golfer. I believe it
also helps prevent other associated injuries that are very common on the LPGA tour.” -
quote attributed to Barbara Bunkowsky
● “Chiropractic just makes you feel so much better. When I walk out of the clinic, I feel like
I’m about three inches taller and everything’s in place. And as long as I see the
chiropractor, I feel like I’m one step ahead of the game.” - quote attributed to Tom Brady
Next Steps:
No - you don’t need to be part of a professional sports team to enjoy the benefits of chiropractic
All of us deal with aches and pains that can slow us down and sideline us from time to time.
And whether you’re a professional player interested in chiropractic care for athletes or a
weekend warrior, or you’re constantly traveling for youth sports, chiropractic care can help keep
you in the game.
Pain relief and improved function are just a couple of the ways our care can help improve your
quality of life and keep you performing at your best.
So, if you’re looking for a sports rehab chiropractor in Capac, know our
doors are open, and we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your health goals.
Give us a call to get started!
Science Source:
The Use and Role of Sports Chiropractors in the NFL: a Short Report. JMPT. 2002. 

3 Steps to Go from Exhausted to Energized
Keyword(s): less exhausted more energized, wellness care. Capac Michigan
Meta description: If you’re coming out of the holidays low on energy and looking for wellness care Capac, you're not alone! Here are 3 steps to help you feel less exhausted and more energized.
Bottom Line:
If you're coming out of the holidays feeling a little sluggish and low on energy in [your city / town], you're not alone! Any changes to your regular sleep and exercise routine can impact your energy levels and leave your body struggling just a bit to keep up without that seemingly necessary caffeine fix. Not to worry! As we head into the new year, we’ve prepared a list of some simple steps you can take to enjoy a healthier, happier, and less exhausted, more energized 2022!
Why it Matters:
When you're feeling exhausted, you might notice some obvious aches and pains. However, what you might not so easily notice is the impact that exhaustion is having on your brain and immune system function. Those are just a couple of the reasons taking proactive steps to boost your energy is so important for your overall health and wellness. Without further ado, here are our top 3 go-to strategies to help get you from exhausted to energized….
1. Strive for Daily Exercise. Yes, exercising when you feel exhausted might seem like the quickest route to being more tired, but the opposite is true! Exercise can actually increase your energy levels and brain activity and may even help support your immune system function.

 2. Set Your Sleep Schedule. Your body runs on daily cycles called circadian rhythms, and these 24-hour cycles are part of your internal clock. Prioritizing your sleep and going to bed and getting up around the same time each day helps maintain those cycles. 

3. Eat Right. Keeping your blood sugar balanced is key to supporting your overall energy levels. Sugary foods can provide a quick spike in energy… but very quickly leave you feeling wiped out. Eating more whole foods and reducing your sugar intake can help keep your energy levels more consistent and balanced throughout the day

Creating SMART Goals for Better Health
Keyword(s): how to set SMART health goals, wellness center Capac Michigan
Meta description: New year. New goals. The brilliant team running our wellness center in Capac  has some quick tips to help you set SMART health goals for 2022.
Bottom Line:
A new year has come again, and that means it's time to revisit and renew your goals for better health!
There’s no better time to evaluate your health, assess your wellness, and to start making healthy changes. Goal setting may not be the easiest thing to do but setting SMART goals can set you up for long-term success.
Why it Matters:
SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Trackable. Using SMART goals makes it much more likely you’ll reach your target, which also helps keep your motivation high. And setting these health goals shouldn't be stressful. Remember, each action you take towards better health is a positive step in the right direction and using the SMART framework can help you stay calm and focused. Set aside a few minutes right now and use our handy how to set SMART health goals outline below to get started:
1. Be Specific. Exercising more or eating better are good ideas but nearly impossible to quantify. Aim for specific goals like exercising daily or eating less than 25 grams of sugar each day instead.  Make it Measurable. Set a measurable goal like exercising 5x per week for 20 minutes.

       2. Make it Attainable. Avoid aiming too high or too low. Your health goals should be attainable relative to your current commitments and habits.  Be Realistic.                                               Determine what changes you can realistically and reasonably commit to when considering your current health habits.

       3. Make it Trackable. This is key. Goals that are trackable help you monitor your progress throughout the year and let you know when it’s time to celebrate your                                            successes!
Next Steps: Don’t let your new year's resolutions go unfulfilled. Remember, by setting SMART goals, you'll be able to jumpstart your journey to better health.
And if you’re near Capac and you’ve been living with chronic pain or learning to live with a new injury, schedule a visit with us today. We're here to accomplish your health goals for 2022 and beyond, and that starts with getting you off the sidelines and back in the game!
Science Source(s):

WEEK 3 The Power of Your Health Potential

The power of holistic healing and health, holistic health Capac MI.

Your body has an incredible ability to adapt, change, and heal. If you’re interested in the power of holistic healing and health Capac Mi. read on to learn more. 

Bottom Line: "Your body's ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe." Not only is that quote inspiring and thought-provoking, but we see the power of health and holistic healing in action every day in our practice in Capac Michigan. Your body truly does have an incredible innate ability to adapt, change, and heal. Whether that means bouncing back after an acute injury or working to overcome chronic pain, your body just needs to have the opportunity to heal, and nature will take care of the rest. 

Why it Matters: Understanding your body's natural healing power isn't some out-there thought. The idea of health encompasses much more than living life without pain. The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease. This statement shows us that true health is multidimensional and emphasizes the critical connection that exists between your brain and body. 

To put that all together… · You were born with an unbelievable ability to heal via your brain-body connection, which describes the complex interactions that occur between your brain and body. · Your brain coordinates all of your body’s systems (including your immune system) by communicating through your nervous system. · Your habits and the choices you make each day can either enhance or reduce your body's ability to reach its health potential.

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